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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《乡村游记(600字)作文》,欢迎阅读!
精选作文:乡村游记(600)作文 乡村游记我和爷爷在暑假里到乡村去玩耍。途中我唱着欢快、动听的歌儿,锐耳的声音传四方。来到景色优美的郊外。笔直宽阔的马路映入眼帘,像一条乌黑色的绸带伸向遥远的天边;汽车在马路上驶来驶去川流不息,像一条深蓝色的海洋永不停息的流淌着。马路两边的树可多了,有美丽的香樟树,高大挺秀的龙柏树和银杏树,有翠绿杨柳树,有红云片片的桃树,上面结满了鲜红的桃子,有茂盛的枇杷树&&香樟树碧绿碧绿的,像一把遮阳伞,龙柏树非常高大、挺拔,像一位守职的哨兵保卫着笔直宽阔的大马路。呼吸着清新的空气,望着天空中的一朵朵白云像自由飞翔的小鸟,真让久居城市的我有一种解放的感觉。来到庄稼地,眼前的田野绿油油的,一望无际。一望无边的田里插满了水稻和秧苗,像一块平整的地毯铺在大地上。另一边长着玉米、黄豆和花生等农作物。田边小路上的野花像五彩缤纷的花边。白色的花像一闪一闪的小星星,红色的花像小小的红豆,紫色的花像一把可爱的小花伞,蓝色的花像从天空中洗过的圆盘。真是千姿百态,五颜六色。蝴蝶自由自在的飞来飞去,在花间翩翩起舞。眼前的睛景让我留恋。走进农家小院,这里非常安静。桃树一片葱绿,红绿色的桃子真惹人喜爱!小菜园里可就更有意思了!韭菜长得非常的茂盛,青菜像翡翠一样吸引着人们。紫红色的茄子像气球,火红的西红柿像火焰在燃烧着,院子里的母鸡慢慢吞吞地走过来,好像大将军巡视着自己的领地。望着这恬进悠闲的情景我不惊赞叹道:农家的马路、树木、田野、野花、院子真好玩啊!乡下的风景是那么自然,那么美丽,那么宁静,空气是那么的新鲜,真让我流连忘返。四年级:fangjinghe 篇一:乡村游记



1.i like very much.

2.last summer, i went to with whom

3.we went to by bus ( train, car,bike..)

4.we set off at (place) at (time)

5.it took sb. some time to get there

6.we took a lot of pictures there

7.we had a good time there( enjoyed ourselves very much)

8.its such an exciting that i will never forget it.


范文二: plan on winter vacation

the winter vacation is not so far from us. there are lots of thing i have to do while this vacation.have my lessons reviewed, in order to improve the quality of study. i must correct all

my final examination paper. i有关假期旅游的好处:the advantages of travel----(可用于开头) places and countries. (另外可参考课本p54,56 ---3a的重点句型)

乡村游记-a trip to the country

i went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays this year. i liked green plants, clear rivers and lovely amimals there. i breathed the fresh air on the mountain sometimes i went swimming in the river. i kept a diary

every day.

i liked not the scene of the countryside, but also the people there. i helped them to do farm work. i also helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. the children were interested in english. they were good at reading and writing, they also did not do well in listening speaking. i helped them improve their listening speaking. their parents thought highly of me. i realized that knowledge is greatly needed in the countryside.

北京游记a trip to beijing

on summer holiday my parents took me to beijing. we stayed at huabei hotel. on the first day, we went to the great wall. the great wall is very long and old. it has millions of bricks. each brick is very big and heavy. lots of people from different

countries like climbing the great wall. we felt very tired when we climbed to the top of the great wall.

we also went to the palace museum. the palace museum has 9999 palaces. it has a very long history. i bought a lot of souvenirs of the palace museum. what nice palaces these are! i visited the palace museum and felt excited. if you want to know more about the palace museum, you can go to beijing and have a look. the following days, we went to the summer palace, tian tan, north lake and xiang hill. i now know more about the history of china. i also like modern beijing. the 2008 olympic games will be held in beijing.

later, i went back with my parents by train. i really enjoyed the trip to beijing. i like this trip! 篇二:小学作文下游玩

乡下游玩 早上,我和爷爷奶奶坐上公共汽车到乡下玩,下车后我们还走了很远的路才到达目的地,一进家门我就累累的躺


突然我听见奇怪的尖叫声,我和妹妹吓得赶紧躲到被子里,好久都不敢出来,闷到被子里很不舒服...... 半小时后就开饭了,闻着香喷喷的饭菜,都让我流口水,我和妹妹很快就吃饱了,都忘记了刚才受惊吓的事了。 玩了一天,我们又坐公共汽车回家了,上面人很多很挤,有个漂亮姐姐让了坐位给我坐,我很客气跟姐姐说了谢谢!一天的快乐就这样不知不觉的过去了.......




one sunday my mother (mother) had (made) me take my little young brother to the a trip to the country. she bade me take good care of him.

while we were walking along the road, the sun was shining brightly the breeze was blowing gently. we saw the beautiful flowers smile (smiling) at us heard the birds sing (singing) their sweet songs on the trees. the scenery was indeed very pretty (beautiful). when we felt tired, we returned home. we saw mother (our mother) wait (waiting) for us at the door. 有一个星期日,我母亲叫我带小弟弟去乡村游历。她吩咐我要好好照料他。当沿着道路行走的时候,太阳灿烂地照耀着,微风轻轻地吹着。看见美丽的花儿对微笑着,并听见鸟儿在树上唱着悦耳的歌曲,风景实十分美丽。当感觉到疲倦的时候,就回家了。看见母样正在门口等候。



年级七班 张依


我们一行三人,一路欢歌笑语,大约半个小时的车程到达了目的地——水田沟村。刚进村口,我看见公路两旁的油菜籽黄了,小麦也结出了饱满的麦穗。一阵风吹过,空气中弥漫着甜丝丝的味道,真是沁人心脾。举目望去,远山苍翠,到处透露着勃勃生机,我不禁大声叫道:“哇,这里真是太美了!”爸爸笑着说:“宝贝,还有更美的景色呢!”我连忙嚷着说:“爸爸,快带我去看看吧! 于是,我们继续前行,经过盘山公路,七绕八弯的,突然一群羊挡住了我们的去路。爸爸下车去赶羊,我吓得躲在妈妈的身后,爸爸用手牵着羊,鼓励我说别怕,让我用青草去喂羊。几番思想斗争,几番尝试,我终于成功的和羊有了


