
2022-12-23 05:23:19   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《英语教育学(3)》,欢迎阅读!


剩余时间:5 9:44


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1Behaviorism sees learning in terms of ____.

Ahabit formation Cphysical development.

Bmental development. Dcognitive capacity.

2The main representative of Behaviorism is ____.

ASkinner. CKrashen.

BChomsky. DHalliday.

3According to Chomsky, LAD is described as ____.

Aa device that is culturally transmitted.

Ca device that consists of a set of principles.

Ba device that is shared by all animals.

Dan imaginary "black box" which exists somethwere in the brain.

4For Krashen, what distinguishes language acquisition from language learning ?

Aconscious attention to rules. Chabit formation.

Bsubconscious attention to rules. Dmental development.

5According to the Monitor Hypothesis, what initiates the speakerˊs utterances and is responsible for fluency ?

ALearning. CNatural order.

BAcquisition. DMental development.


1The five basic hypotheses of Krashenˊs Monitor Model are:

AThe Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis. BThe Monitor Hypothesis.

CThe Natural Order Hypothesis. DThe Input Hypothesis.

EThe Affective Filter Hypothesis. FThe Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.

2For Krashen, the focus of language teaching should not be rule-learning but communication. He has specified three contitions for the use of the monitor:


BFocusing on form. CKnowing the rule. DFocusing on meaning.

3The main learning styles may include:

AConcrete learning style. BAnalytical learning style. CCommunicative learning style. DAuthority-oriented learning style.

4For Oxford(1990), the general types of learning strategies may include:

AMemory strategies. BCognitive strategies. CCompensation strategies. DMetacognitive strategies. EAffective strategies. FSocial strategies.

5Factors contributing to Foreign Language Learning may include:

ALearner variables.

