
2023-04-30 13:07:29   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《中职英语高三翻译句子练习》,欢迎阅读!


When we were playing in great joy, I suddenly remembered my grandma. 2.我们不得不告诉孩子们不要吃太多快餐。

We have to tell children not to eat too much fast food. 3.农民们对于他们秋天的好收成非常高兴。

Farmers are very happy with their harvest in autumn. 4.他太羞愧了以至于不能说出一句话。 He is too ashamed to say a word.

5.我匆忙的赶去机场但是我还是迟到了两个小时。 I hurried to the airport but I was still two hours late. 6.一寸光阴一寸金。(时间就是金钱) Time is money. 16.10.16


Action speak louder than words.

2.这个演员是Tom的爸爸的一位好朋友。 The actor is a friend of Toms fathers. 3.那个瓶子里没有牛奶。

There is no (not any ) milk in the bottle. 4.不是所有人都认识他。 Not all know him.


Neither of them wants to be a doctor.


It is known that/As is known, monkeys like to eat bananas. 16.1017

1.他们已经去过加拿大四次了。They have been to Canada for four times.

2.从我家到学校走路大约四十分钟的路程。It is about 40 minutes walk from my home to school.

3.对不起让你等了很长的一段时间。Sorry, I have made you waiting for a long time. 4.在你离开房间之前请关掉灯。Please turn off the lights before you leave the room. 5.我们最好用最少的钱和最少的人来完成我们的工作

We had better finish our work with less money and fewer people. 6.他喜欢多大号的? What size does he like?

1. 非洲许多人们正在遭受着饥饿和疾病。

Many people in Africa are now suffering from hunger and diseases.

2. 我的洗衣机坏了,它需要修理。My washing machine is out of order and it needs repairing. 3. 这片森林被这场火毁掉了。The forest was destroyed by the fire.

4. 在今天的报纸上有些重要的事。There is something important in todays newspaper. 5. 在我回家的路上我遇到了我的一个老朋友。 on my way home, I met an old friend of mine.

6. 明天我要有一场英语考试I am going to have an English test tomorrow. 7. 你要茶还是咖啡?Would you like tea or coffee?

1. 吸烟有害健康。 Smoking is harmful to your health.

2. 你最好尽快戒烟。You had better give up smoking as soon as possible. 3. Lilly 的观点不同于她同学的观点。Lilys opinions are different from those of her classmates. 4. 在周末,我父母允许我上网一小时。

My parents allow me to surf the Internet for one hour on weekends.

5. 不要紧张。Dont be nervous.

6. 吃健康的食物对你的健康有好处。Eating healthy food is good for your health. 7. 谢谢你令人愉快的(可爱的)聚会和美味的食物。 Thanks for your lovely party and delicious food.

1. 路的两边有很多花和树。There are many flowers and trees on both sides of the road. 2. 没有人喜欢被嘲笑,所以你应该和蔼地对其他人。

No one likes to be laughed at, so we should be kind to others. 3. 他赢得第一名的好消息使我们兴奋。

The news that he won the first prize/place made us excited. 4. 这场事故发生在一个寒冷的冬天的早上。

The accident happened on a cold/freezing winter morning. 5. 北京的人口有多少?What is the population in Beijing?

6. 如果Lily不去,我也不去。If lily doesnt go, neither will I ./me neither./I wont go either. 7. 你和我都不擅长数学Neither you nor I am good at math.

