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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《2021年江西省赣州市经开区中考英语模拟试卷》,欢迎阅读!



1. -I don't know what to buy for my mother. Do you have any

-Maybe a hat. You know, the weather is getting hotter and hotter.

A. inventions B. suggestions C. traditions D. resolutions

2. Young people have found that it is fun to ______ themselves by short videos.

A. improve B. express C. punish D. expect

3. -You look a little worried.What's up

-The exam is coming next weekMost of us have lots of ______.

A. illnesses B. excitement C. pressure D. feeling

4. -Home is ___ place wherever you go

-Yes There's no place like home.(

A. warm B. warmer C. warmest D. the warmest

5. Do you think it is popular to ______ red envelopson WeChat during festivals? 红包)

Yes. But I prefer giving gifts to family members.

A. give out B. give away C. give back D. give up

6. The sun shines

We'd better wear our sunglasses to avoid getting sunburned

A. softly B. hardly C. fast D. brightly

7. Kate's dad is getting oldShe will go back home to see him _____it is convenient

A. because B. whenever C. although D. unless

8. I enjoy walking on the clean streets in the morning

You know they by the hard-working cleaners every day

A. clean B. are cleaned C. are cleaning D. will clean


Once, there lived a deer. He walked with his head high and his long antlers ______ 鹿角) 1natural grace(优美) .He 2 ______ other animals very well. Even the lion respected him very much.

One day, a group of traders lost their way in the forest. They didn't know what to do, feeling so 3 ______ . When they looked up, they saw the deer standing by. The deer told them to


follow him.They had ______ to lose,so they followed him.The deer led them out and walk 4back into the forest. What the deer did 5 ______ the leader of the traders a lot, he felt the king should know about it.

The traders went to the king and told him about the wonderful deer and his 6 ______ . The king did not listen to the words 7 ______ the deer's kind behavior. He just heard that they had found a wonderful deer. He decided to go and hunt the deer 8 ______ . When he went into the forest with his soldiers. they saw the deer9 ______ staying on the grass. The king looked at the deer and the long antlers and said. "None of you should shoot at him, that is 10 ______ animal. His antlers will make the walls of my palace much more beautiful. "Saying this, he shot at the deer, the forest is not quiet any more. 11 ______ the deer ran away. The king went deep into the forest to 12 ______ the deer again. Suddenly, he fell into the watering hole. He cried for help but nobody heard. Without a thought, the deer ran to him and ______ its strong antlers. The king was thankful and fell at the deer's feet ______ 1314ashamedof himself. The deer let the king sit on his back and took him back to his city. 羞愧的)To thank what the deer had done, the king 15 ______ the deer to his palace.

As we can see, if we can learn to help our" ______ " when they're helpless, we are sure 16to win friends for life.

9. A. announced 10. A. knew about

B. explained C. showed B. got along with D. talked with

D. introduced

C. looked up to

11. A. worried 12. A. nobody 13. A. recalled 14. A. Loneliness 15. A. spreading

B. uncomfortable B. somebody B. honored B. kindness B. praising

C. angry C. something C. touched C. happiness C. suggesting

D. sad D. nothing D. disappointed D. darkness D. stating


16. A. at once 17. A. proudly 18. A. your 19. A. Suddenly 20. A. go after 21. A. lowered 22. A. simply 23. A. advised 24. A. enemies

B. at last B. politely B. my B. Normally B. take after B. shook B. totally B. required B. friends

C. on time C. peacefully C. his C. Gradually C. run after C. lifted C. hardly C. asked C. kings

D. in time D. surprisingly D. her D. Luckily D. look after D. handed D. finally D. invited D. leaders

三、补全对话(本大题共1小题,共5.0分) 25. A Hi May. Have you heard about the accident

B:( 1 ______

A Ben was riding his bike too fast. His bike hit a car parked on the roadside. B That's terrible. 2 ______

A Yes. He hurt his leg and can't move his foot. B:( 3 ______

A Yes. A young man called the doctors quickly. They got Ben to hospital soon. B:( 4 ______

A Luckily, it's not serious. He just hurt his knee. B It's dangerous to ride too fast. 5 ______ A You're right.

A. What accident B. Ben hurt himself. C. Did he hurt himself D.Is it serious

E. When did the accident happen

F. Was he taken to the hospital immediately G. We should ride a bike as carefully as possible.




Mrs. Li plans to visit the National Museum of China next Sunday with her son. She is looking for information on its official website.


Address East side of Tiananmen Square, No.16 East Chang'an Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing

Opening hours 900 am-500 pm

It closes on Monday except during public holidays like May Day or National Day. Price For free

Admission All visitors must make an appointment (预约) in advance. Visitors with ID cards, student cards and other valid certificates (有效证件)can enter. Before entering, visitors must go though security checks and show the real-time Health Codes status(健康码).Children under 1.3 m need to be accompanied (陪

同) by their parents.

Getting here No.1 No.2 No.52 No.82 No.120 buses Subway Line 1

展品)Note In order to keep exhibition halls clean and protect the exhibits pets,

drinks and food cannot be brought into the museum

For more information, please visit http//www.chnmuseum.cn

26. How long is the museum usually open ______

A. It's usually open for 7 hours. B. It's usually open for 8 hours. C. It's usually open for 8.5 hours. D. It's usually open for 9 hours.

27. Which one of the following is true ______

A. Mrs.Li will visit the National Museum of China on Monday. B. Visitors Can buy tickets online before visiting the museum.


C. A 1.2-meter-tall boy can enter the museum With his parents. D. Visitors can take their pet dogs into the museum.

28. Who may be interested in the text ______

A. Pet lovers. C. Book lovers.

B. Sports lovers. D. Travel lovers.


Few words are spoken more often every day on the streets of Britain than "I'm sorry'. This phrase has become such a common response(反应) that it has taken on a lot of meanings. Saying "Sorry" means to apologize(道歉).This is simple and easy to understand. We learn it both as a native speaker and as a student of foreign languages.

But in Britain, it takes on another meaning. It is a cultural expression. Imagine this a man walks down the street looking down at this phone. A woman is walking in the opposite direction, towards the man. She sees him, but she can't get out of the way in time. The man bumps(碰撞) into the woman. Who should say sorry Naturally, the man should say sorry, because it was he who wasn't looking where he was going. Yet in Britain, it is common for both to apologize.

It is known that British people like most people, do not enjoy conflict.So to quickly 冲突)calm the situation, British people will apologize to each other.

Other times it may sound funny to hear "sorry ". Some of my friends say it at restaurants, as they ask the waiter. "Sorry, but can l order another drink" It is not to apologize, but just to express that we need the waiter. In Britain, sorry doesn't always mean exactly what you think. 29. Why do British people usually apologize to each other ______

A. Because they are friendly to each other.

B. Because that means both of them do something wrong. C. Because they always care about others.

D. Because they do not enjoy conflict, they usually want to calm the situation.

30. What's the purpose of the example in the third paragraph ______

A. It's used to describe a situation that people should avoid. B. It's used to explain why people should say sorry to each other. C. It's used to describe how "sorry" has another meaning in Britain. D. It's used to show how polite British people are.

31. What can we know from the restaurant example ______


A. "Sorry" can be used to make an apology to others. B. "Sorry" can be used to calm a situation down.

C. "Sorry" can be used to explain what you're thinking about. D. "Sorry" can be used to ask a waiter to bring something.


It was the first time I had taught in a special needs classroom. l wasn't sure what to expect at our school sports meeting. All my students had some problems, from slight learning disabilities to physical disabilities.

Mark was one of the latter. He had to get around in a wheel chair. But he was always positive and greeted everyone with a huge smile.

His classmates loved him, especially Lucas, the boy who was good at sports. l knew Mark wanted to be like him.

When track and field day came, Lucas did well in every event,Mark sat on the sideline(在场外)cheering him on.

The final event of the day was the 400-meter race. Everyone was invited to either walk or run. But when Lucas reached the finish line, he stopped and turned to look behind him. At the back of the crowd was Mark. He was alone on the track, trying to catch up with others.

Lucas made a decision quickly. He turned back toward his friend. He ran beside Mark, cheering him on as Mark had done for him before.

In the end, the two boys crossed the finish line together to the excited shout of their teachers and classmates. Seeing Mark's face, l came to understand what makes the Special Olympics so special. Everyone deserves (值得) their own time to shine.

32. What did the writer feel about the coming sports meeting ______

A. No students would take part in it. B. It wouldn't be a challenging one. C. The writer didn't expect too much. D. Students shouldn't spend time on it.

33. What's the meaning of the underlined word "positive' ______

A. hopeful B. serious C. noisy D. hard-working

34. What did Lucas do for Mark on track and field day ______

A. He waited for Mark at the finish line. B. He cheered for Mark on the sidelines.


C. He went back and ran with Mark together. D. He shouted and laughed at Mark excitedly.

35. What can we learn from this story ______

A. Track and field is a fun event for everyone. B. The Special Olympics are boring to watch. C. Friendship comes from valuable competition. D. Everyone deserves to have a special moment.


We all need cash in order to live our lives. However, something called digital currency(现金)(货币) is slowly taking the place of cash. A currency is kind of money. Usually, we use currency when we talk about country's money. If something is digital, it only exists(存在) on a computer. So "digital currency" means money that only exists on computers.

Lots of people have digital currency accounts(账户).They use a credit card(信用卡) to change their real money into digital money, and then the money goes into the digital currency account. A lot of people wonder, "Why in the world should I change my real money into digital currency "This is a fair question, but there's a good answer. If you want to buy something online, then you usually have to use digital currency. For example if you're in China and you want to buy something in Canada, then you 'll have to pay with the digital currency. Many people still don't trust digital currency. Some people think that if they can't hold their money in their hand, then it doesn't seem real. These people don't feel comfortable when they see numbers on a computer screen. The computer tells them that their money is safe but these people don't really feel safe. Another problem is security(安全).There are hackers(黑客)all over the world. A hacker is a person who steals computer information. If a hacker gets the password of your digital currency account, he or she can steal your money.

You have to decide whether or not you trust this new invention. Just remember one thing If you want to buy something online, then you probably won't have a choice. You'll have to use digital currency.

36. What does Para. 1 mainly tell us ______

A. What digital currency is. B. How to use digital currency. C. Why we all need cash to live. D. Where to find digital currency.


37. What is the "good answer" to the question in Para.2 ______

A. You cannot shop online without digital currency. B. You cannot buy anything in China with real money. C. You cannot buy anything in Canada without digital currency. D. You can use both real money and digital currency to shop online.

38. What is the first problem mentioned in Para.3 ______

A. Digital currency is not safe enough. B. Many people still don't trust digital currency. C. Some people can't hold their money in their hand. D. Some people don't feel comfortable with numbers.

39. What can we infer from the passage ______

A. Digital currency can be used for buying foreign goods online. B. Digital currency means the end of real money. C. Cash is much safer than digital currency. D. Most people like using cash than digital currency.


With the development of economics the problem of left-behind children has become 经济a serious social problem. More and more people have realized we should do something to help them.

One of the biggest problems is that the children are all hungry for the love from their parents. Many of them can just get a call or a letter from their parents half a year, a year or even several years,which makes some children lost their parents' faces. When they meet their own troubles, they have no one to talk with. Nobody gives them enough care.

Because of being too far away from their parents, the left-behind children's study is the second biggest problem. From a survey about their study, only two percent of the children get good results, while ten percent of them are common and eighty-eight percent of them are poor. What a pity! There are also many other problems of the left-behind children, such as having no ability to protect themselves, unhealthy lifestyles, spending too much pocket money and being crazy about Internet and so on.

In a word, to solve all the problems of the left-behind children needs the government,families and schools to try their best together.

40. What does the underlined word "them" refer to in the first paragraph ______


A. Problems. C. Parents.

B. Left-behind children. D. Families.

41. Which is the most serious problem of the left-behind children according to the passage


A. They can't get enough love from their parents. B. They are crazy about the Internet.

C. They can't get any information from parents. D. They don't have enough money for life and school.

42. What is the writer's attitude(态度) towards the problems of the left-behind children


A. Careless B. Worried. C. Surprised. D. Afraid.

43. What is the best title of the article ______

A. The left-behind Children.

B. The Problems of the left-behind Children. C. How to help the left-behind Children. D. More and More left-behind Children.


As we know,there are differences between Western culture and Chinese culture.56 ______ .Let's look at some words about animals and plants.Most expressions in Chinese about the dog,for example,"a homeless dog""a mad dog""A running dog"and"A dog catching a mouse"have bad meanings.57 ______ In English,people use the dog to describe good actions.For example,"you are A lucky dog"means you are A lucky person.And"every dog has its day"means each person has good luck sometimes.To describe a person's serious illness,they say"sick as a dog".The word"dog-tired"means very tired.58 ______ .But in Western culture,"cat"is often used to describe a woman who is unkind.There are many other examples of how"cat"is used to describe a woman who is unkind.There are many other examples of how"cat"is used differently as well.

______ People think the rose stands for love,peace,courage and friendship.And the rose 59

is the national flower of England,America and many other countries.

______ We can learn about many differences in cultures by comparing how some words 60are used.

A.However,Chinese love cats very much


B.The words about plants and animals are used in good or bad ways in different cultures C.We can see differences when we pay attention to the way words are used D.However,westerners love cats very much

E.We can see similarities when we pay attention to the way words are used

F.The rose is regarded as a symbol of love in both China and some Western countries G.But in Western countries,dogs are considered to be honest and good friends of humans. 44. A. A


B. B

C. C D. D E.

F. F

G. G

45. A. A


B. B

C. C D. D E.

F. F

G. G

46. A. A


B. B

C. C D. D E.

F. F

G. G

47. A. A


B. B

C. C D. D E.

F. F

G. G

48. A. A


B. B

C. C D. D E.

F. F G. G


what side unhappiness but well avoid late surprise with mix

Have you ever trained your brain Now there are some new suggestion for doing so, according to a new book on getting "brain-fit".

Many of the suggestions in Teach Yourself Training Your Brain are terribly ______ . 1The book says we should read out loud while holding a baby. We should also ______ 2watching soap operas. We'd better not spend time with people who always express 3 ______ . And you need to follow good eating habits.

It's writers Terry Home and Simon Wootton say their advice is from the 4 ______ research by experts around the world. Some of their recent findings of the research have appeared in a famous magazine. " For years we have thought how 5 ______ our brain works is decided by our genes(基因). 6 ______ now it is found our lifestyle clearly plays an important role in developing our brain. 7 ______ we eat and drink, how we learn at school and what kind of feelings we have are all important, said Home. The book talks about the most up-to-date thinking in science about how diet, the environment, stress and other ______ of modern life influence the ability of our brain. 8


lt also offers advice and exercises. The book comes 9 ______ more and more people spending money on books and computer games to train their brain.

Home believes that people need to have changes to their lifestyles improve their brain. "Pleasure, confidence and an active nature help the brain, So stay happy and active by10 ______ with people who make you laugh, or have the same interests as you." he added. 七、书面表达(本大题共1小题,共15.0分)

49. "世上无难事,只要肯登攀。"人生路上难免会有困难,我们应该不畏困难,有计划

地去克服困难,勇往直前。假如你是李莉,请用英语写一篇短文投稿,谈谈你遇到的困难是什么,你是怎么克服的,你的感受是什么,你从中领悟到了什么。 提示词语: worried, teacher, parents, life, confidence(信心)

I'm Lily. I'd like to share my story with you.




【解析】A 发明 B 建议 C 传统 D 决议根据句意 -我不知道该给妈妈买什么。你有一 _-吗? -也许是一顶帽子。你知道,天气越来越热。可知 B 建议 符合题意, 故选:B

-我不知道该给妈妈买什么。你有一些建议吗 -也许买一顶帽子。你知道,天气越来越热。



【解析】improve提高;express表达;punish惩罚;expect期望。根据语境可知年轻人发现通过短视频表达自己很有趣。 故选:B




【解析】A illness""B excitement"兴奋" C pressure"压力"D feeling"".答语句意"下周考试要来了.我们大多数人都有很大的压力"可知要填"压力" 故选:C

-你看起来有点忧虑.发生什么事情了? -下周就要考试了!我们大多数都有很大的压力.



【解析】There's no place like home判断句子说的应该是家是最温暖的地方,用最高级形式,最高级前面加冠词the 故选:D

--无论你走到哪里,家都是最温暖的地方. --是的,没有地方像家一样.






【解析】 句意:——阳光灿烂.——我们最好带上太阳镜,避免晒伤。A表示柔软地;B表示几乎不;C表示快地;D表示明亮地。根据题干中

We'd better wear our sunglasses to avoid getting sunburned.可知我们最好带上太阳镜为了避免晒伤,由此可以阳光灿烂。故选D


B because因为;whenever每当,although尽管,unless【解析】答案:无论何时;虽然;除非。根据前后句的关系She will go back home to see him it is convenient可知,由于凯特的爸爸年龄大了,所以每当方便的时候就会去看他,结合选项的含义应用whenever在这里意为每当,引导时间状语从句。故选B 凯特的爸爸老了,每当凯特方便时就会回家去看他。



【解析】句意:——早上我喜欢在干净的街道上散步。——你知道他们每天都被辛勤工作的清洁工打扫干净。主语they和动词clean是被动关系,再根据句意可知,用一般现在时的被动语态,其构成为am/ is/ are done,主语是they,用are。故选B


【小题1C 【小题2B 【小题3A 【小题4D 【小题5C 【小题6B 【小题7B 【小题8A 【小题9C 【小题10B 【小题11D 【小题12C 【小题13A 【小题14B 【小题15D 【小题16A


C 考查动词。announced宣布;explained解释;showed露出,introduced【解析】1显出;介绍。根据"natural grace"可知是鹿角显露出自然的优美,用showed。句意:它昂着头走路,长长的鹿角流露出自然的优雅。故选C.

B 考查短语。knew about了解;got along with与……相处得好;looked up to尊敬;2

talked with和……谈话。根据"Even the lion respected him very much."可知与动物们相处得好,用got along with。句意:它和其他动物相处得很好。故选B.

3A 考查形容词。worried担心的;uncomfortable不舒服的;angry生气的;sad难过的。根据"One day, a group of traders lost their way in the forest."可知迷路了应该很担心,worried。句意:他们非常担心,不知道该怎么办。故选A.

4D 考查不定代词。nobody没有人;somebody某人;something某些事物;nothing没有什么。根据"so they followed him"可知没什么可失去的,选择跟着鹿,用nothing句意:他们没什么可失去的,所以就跟着他。故选D.

5C 考查动词。recalled忽想起;honored尊重;touched感动;disappointed使失望。根据"The deer led them out"可知鹿帮助商人们走出了森林,商人们应是被感动了,用touched。句意:鹿的所作所为感动了商人的首领,他觉得国王应该知道这件事。故选C.

6B 考查名词。loneliness孤独;kindness善良;happiness幸福;darkness黑暗。根"The deer led them out"可知商人们应该会告诉国王鹿的善良,用kindness。句意:商人们去见国王,告诉他这只神奇的鹿和它的善良。故选B.

7B 考查名词。spreading传播;praising表扬;suggesting建议;stating强调。根据"the words ... the deer's kind behavior"可推出是赞美鹿的善良的话,用praising。句意:国王没有听赞美鹿善良行为的话。 故选B.

8A 考查短语。at once立刻;at last最终;on time准时;in time及时。根据"When he went into the forest with his soldiers"可知国王是立刻去猎鹿了,用at once。句意:他决定立刻去猎鹿。故选A.

9C 考查副词。proudly骄傲地;politely有礼貌地;peacefully平静地;surprisingly令人惊讶地。根据"staying on the grass""the forest is not quiet any more"可知鹿是平静的,peacefully。句意:当他和他的士兵们走进森林时,他们看到那只鹿安静地待在草地上。故选C.


10B 考查代词。your你的;my我的;his他的;her她的。根据

"None of you should shoot at him""he shot at the deer"可知可知国王不让别人开枪,表示动物"我的",用my。句意:你们都不该开枪打他,那是我的动物。故选B. D 考查副词。Suddenly突然;Normally通常;Gradually逐步地;Luckily幸运地。11

根据"Saying this, he shot at the deer""the deer ran away"可知国王开枪打鹿,鹿跑掉了,这是幸运的,用Luckily。句意:幸运的是,鹿跑了。故选D.

C 考查短语。go after追求;take after与……相像;run after追逐;look after照顾。12

根据"the deer ran away"可知鹿跑了,国王要去追鹿,用run after。句意:国王又走进森林深处去追赶那只鹿。故选C.

13A 考查动词。lowered降低;shook摇动;lifted举起;handed交,递。根据"Suddenly, he fell into the watering hole."可知国王掉进了水坑,再由

"The king was thankful"可知鹿救了国王,由此推出鹿是把鹿角放低来救国王的,用lowered。句意:那只鹿想也没想就跑到他跟前,放下了那对强壮的鹿角。故选A. 14B 考查副词。simply仅仅;totally完全;hardly几乎不;finally最终。根据"fell at the deer's feet"结合上文鹿救了国王,可推出国王是相当羞愧的,totally句意:国王非常感激,羞愧难当地跪倒在鹿的脚下。故选B.

15D 考查动词。advised建议;required需要;asked询问;invited邀请。根据"To thank what the deer had done"可知要感谢鹿,应是邀请其去自己的宫殿,用invited句意:为了感谢鹿所做的一切,国王邀请鹿到他的宫殿。故选D.

16A 考查名词。enemies敌人;friends朋友;kings国王;leaders领导。根据上文国王要猎鹿,但鹿却救了国王,由此可知此处是说帮助"敌人",用enemies。句意:正如我们所看到的,如果当我们的"敌人"无助的时候,我们能学会帮助他们,我们一定会赢得一生的朋友。故选A.




【小题2C 【小题3F 【小题4D 【小题5G



1A.根据上句 Have you heard about the accident?你听说那次事故了吗?结合所给选项,可知此处询问"什么事故?",故选A

C.根据答语Yes. He hurt his leg and can't move his foot.是的。2他伤了腿,脚动不了。可知,这里要用一般疑问句,此处询问"他伤到自己了吗?",故选C

F.根据答语Yes. A young man called the doctors quickly. They got Ben to hospital soon.3


D.根据答语Luckily, it's not serious. He just hurt his knee.幸好不严重。4他只是伤了膝盖。可知,此处询问"严重吗?",故选D

5G.根据前面It's dangerous to ride too fast.骑得太快很危险。以及答语You're right."你说得对。结合所给选项,可知此处可用"我们应该尽可能小心地骑自行车。故选G A:嗨,梅。你听说那次事故了吗? B:什么事故?

A:本骑自行车太快了。他的自行车撞上了停在路边的一辆汽车。 B:太可怕了。他伤到自己了吗? A:是的。他伤了腿,脚动不了。 B:他是不是马上被送到医院了?

A:是的。一个年轻人很快打电话给医生。他们很快就把本送到了医院。 B:严重吗?


B:骑得太快很危险。我们应该尽可能小心地骑自行车。 A:你说得对。



【小题1B 【小题2C 【小题3D


【解析】1B。细节理解题。根据Opening hours 900 am-500 pm可知,开放时间是从上午9点到下午5点,每天开放8个小时。故选B 2C。理解判断题。根据

It closes on Monday except during public holidays like May Day or National Day可知,博物馆在周一关闭,选项A错误。根据Price For free可知,参观博物馆是免费的,选项B错误。根据In order to keep exhibition halls clean and protect the exhibits(展

品), pets, drinks and food cannot be brought into the museum可知,不能带宠物进入博物馆,选项D错误。根据Children under 1.3 m need to be accompanied (陪

by their parents可知,同)一个1.2米高的男孩可以和他的父母一起进入博物馆;选项C正确。故选C

3D。理解判断题。Pet lovers宠物爱好者;Sports lovers运动爱好者;Book lovers籍爱好者;Travel lovers旅游爱好者。本文是介绍的国家博物馆的有关信息,是和旅游有关的,旅行爱好者可能会对该文本感兴趣。故选D




【小题1D 【小题2C 【小题3D


It is known that British people like most people, do not enjoy conflict(冲

突).So to quickly calm the situation, British people will apologize to each other.人们都知道像大多数人一样,英国人不喜欢冲突,所以为了快速地缓和这种气氛,英国人将会彼此道歉,可知他们经常道歉的原因是为了缓和气氛,故选D 2C.推理判断题。根据第三段

But in Britain, it takes on another meaning. It is a cultural expression.但是在英国,它有另外的含义,它是一种文化的表达,因此推断作者提到的例子是为了说明"对不起"的另外含义,故选C



It is not to apologize, but just to express that we need the waiter.可知在餐厅它不是道歉,只是表达需要服务员,可知"sorry"可以被用于让服务员拿东西,故选D 本文主要讲了英国人们经常说"对不起"的事实。



【小题1C 【小题2A 【小题3C 【小题4D

【解析】1C 细节推理题。根据第一段

I wasn't sure what to expect at our school sports meeting..可知作者不知道学校运动会有什么好期待的,因此推断作者对即将带来的运动会并不期待很多,故选C

2A 词义猜测题。根据第二段greeted everyone with a huge smile.可知他总是带着很大的微笑和每个人打招呼,因此判断他有乐观的态度,因此猜测划线部分的含义为乐观的,A抱有希望的,B严肃的,C吵闹的,D勤奋的。故选A 3C 细节理解题。根据最后两段:

Lucas made a decision quickly. He turned back toward his friend. He ran beside Mark, cheering him on as Mark had done for him before.In the end, the two boys crossed the finish line together to the excited shout of their teachers and classmates.卢卡斯很快做出了决定。他转向他的朋友。他跑到马克身边,像马克以前为他做的那样为他加油。最后,在老师和同学们兴奋的欢呼声中,两个男孩一起越过了终点线。可知卢卡斯跑回去和马克一起跑,故C

4D 推理判断题。根据最后一段Everyone deserves (值得) their own time to shine.可知作者最后意识到每个人都值得拥有自己的高光时刻,因此推断作者学到了每个人都值得拥有特殊的时刻,故选D

本文主要介绍了作者在特殊教室教书时的运动会上看到孩子们相互帮助的感人画面。 在通读全文的基础上,根据全文大意,展开逻辑思维,瞻前顾后,认真观察选项,仔细推敲,确定最佳答案。


【小题1A 【小题2A 【小题3B 【小题4A



So "digital currency" means money that only exists on computers.所以"数字货币"的意思是只存在于电脑上的钱,可知本段主要讲了什么是数字货币,故选A 2A.细节理解题。根据第二段

This is a fair question, but there's a good answer. If you want to buy something online, then you usually have to use digital currency.这是一个公正的问题,但是有一个好答案。如果你想网购,那么你通常使用数字货币,因此可知好的答案是没有数字货币就无法网购,故A

3B.细节理解题。根据第三段Many people still don't trust digital currency.可知本段开头就讲到很多人不信任数字货币,故选B 4A.推理判断题。根据第二段

For example if you're in China and you want to buy something in Canada, then you 'll have to pay with the digital currency.比如如果你在中国而且你想买加拿大的东西,那么你必须用数字货币支付,据此推断数字货币可以用于网购国外的商品,故选A 本文主要介绍了数字货币的好处以及风险。



【小题1B 【小题2A 【小题3B 【小题4B

【解析】1B. 代词指代题。根据文中第一段With the development of economics(经济), the problem of left-behind children has become a serious social problem. 可知随着社经济的发展,留守儿童的问题已经成为一个严重的社会问题,因此越来越多的人们意识到我们应该做些事情来帮助留守儿童,由此可知them指代留守儿童,故选:B A. 细节理解题。2根据文中One of the biggest problems is that the children are all hungry for the love from their parents.可知留守儿童面临的最严重的问题是他们从父母那里得不到足够的爱,故选:A

3B. 观点态度题。A表示粗心的、马虎的,B表示担心的、担忧的,C表示惊讶的、惊奇的,D表示害怕的。根据文中One of the biggest problems is that the children are all hungry for the love from their parentsBecause of being too far away from their parents, the left-behind children's study is the second biggest problem.可知留守儿童面临各种问题,他


们得不到父母足够的爱,学习成绩受到影响。其次根据文中What a pity! There are also many other problems of the left-behind children, such as having no ability to protect themselves, unhealthy lifestyles, spending too much pocket money and being crazy about Internet and so on.可知留守儿童面临其他问题,如没有能力保护他们自己,生活方式不健康,花费太多零花钱,痴迷网络等等,对于他们面临的问题作者感到非常担忧,故选:B

B. 标题归纳题。4根据文中One of the biggest problems is that the children are all hungry for the love from their parentsBecause of being too far away from their parents, the left-behind children's study is the second biggest problem. What a pity! There are also many other problems of the left-behind children可知作者主要介绍了留守儿童面临的各种问题,B选项能概括文章大意,故选:B




【小题1C 【小题2G 【小题3A 【小题4F 【小题5B

56C【解析】答案:选句题.根据上句As we know,there are differences between Westren culture and Chinese culture.我们知道,在西方文化和中国文化之间的差异.及下句Let's look at some words about animals and plants.让我们看一些关于动植物的单词.可知,中间应该是"当我们注意词汇的用法时,我们可以看到差异.",选C

57.答案:G.选句题.根据上句Most expressions in Chinese about the dog,for example,"a homeless dog""a mad dog""A running dog"and"A dog catching a mouse"have bad meanings.关于狗的中文表达,如,"流浪狗""疯狗""走狗""狗捉老鼠",都有贬义.及下句In English,people use the dog to describe good actions英语中,人们用狗"来形容好的行为.可知,中间应是"但在西方国家,狗被认为是人类的忠实和好朋友.G

58A答案:选句题.根据下句But in Western culture,"cat"is often used to describe a woman who is unkind.但在西方文化中,""经常被用来形容一个不友善的女人.可知,上句应该是"然而,中国人非常喜爱猫",选A


59.答案:F.选句题.根据下句People think the rose stands for love,peace,courage and friendship.人们认为玫瑰代表爱情、和平、勇气和友谊.可知,上句应该是"玫瑰是在中国和一些西方国家是爱的象征",选F

60B答案:选句题.根据下句We can learn about many differences in cultures by comparing how some words are used.通过比较一些词的用法,我们可以了解到文化上的许多差异.知,上句应该是"关于植物动物的词语在不同的文化中有好的或坏的用法.",选B 文章大意:这是一篇文化知识类阅读,主要介绍西方文化和中国文化的差异.这些差异可以体现在一些动物植物的表达上,中文的狗通常是贬义词,而西方认为是人类的忠实和好朋友.中国人非常喜欢猫.但在西方文化中,常常用""来形容一个残酷的女人.通过比较一些词的用法,我们可以了解中西方文化上的许多差异.



【小题2avoid 【小题3unhappiness 【小题4latest 【小题5well 【小题6But 【小题7What 【小题8sides 【小题9with 【小题10mixing

【解析】1surprising.考查形容词。根据语境"《自学训练你的大脑》中的许多建议都非常"考虑选择动词surprise,由空前的are推断此处填其形容词形式,意为"令人吃惊的",故答案为 surprising

2avoid.考查动词。根据语境"我们也应该_____看肥皂剧",考虑选择动词avoid,意为"避免",由空前的should推断此处填动词原形形式,故答案为 avoid

3unhappiness.考查名词。根据语境"我们最好不要把时间花在总是表达_____的人身",考虑选择名词unhappiness,意为"不快乐",故答案为 unhappiness



界各地专家______研究"考虑选择形容词late,由空前的定冠词the推断此处填形容词最高级形式,意为"最新",故答案为 latest

5well.考查副词。根据语境"多年来,我们一直认为我们的大脑工作得如何_____决于我们的基因",由空后的动词work考虑选择副词well,意为"",故答案为 well 6But.考查连词。根据语境"_____现在我们发现,我们的生活方式显然在大脑发育中起着重要作用",因本句在句意上与上句存在转折关系,考虑选择连词but,意为"",结合句首注意首字母大写形式,故答案为 But

7What.考查疑问词。根据语境"我们喜欢吃和喝______,在学校怎么学习,我们有什么样的感觉都很重要",考虑选择疑问词what,意为"什么",故答案为 What 8sides.考查名词。根据语境"环境、压力和现代生活的其他_____影响着我们大脑的能力",考虑选择名词side,意为"方面",由空前的修饰语other推断此处填复数形式,故答案为 sides

9with.考查介词。根据语境"_____越来越多的人花钱买书和电脑游戏来训练他们的大脑,这本书应运而生",考虑选择介词with,意为"随着",故答案为 with

10mixing.考查动词。根据语境"快乐、自信和活跃的天性有助于大脑,因此,与那些让你发笑的人_____能保持快乐和活跃",考虑选择动词mix,意为"相处",由空前的介by推断此处填动词-ing形式,故答案为 mixing



I'm Lily. I'd like to share my story with you. When I entered middle school, 【答案】(点题)50.

I was weak in English. It really made me worried. But I didn't 【高分句型一】(遇到什么困难)give up. Then I made word cards and remembered 50 words every day. I listened to the teacher carefully in class and tried my best to do homework well at home. Little by little, I caught up with others. Now I often help my classmates with their English.(如何克服的)Life is not always full of smiles and flowers. But if we have confidence and are good at learning, everything will be better.【高分句型二】(学到了什么)I am very happy.(感觉)


When I entered middle school, I was weak in English.




But if we have confidence and are good at learning, everything will be better. 但如果我们有信心,善于学习,一切都会更好。if引导条件状语从句。



