
2022-10-03 22:00:16   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《如何写感谢语》,欢迎阅读!


本文得以顺利完成,首先得益于我的导师刘保玉老师的悉心指导。从论文 的选题到最后定稿,从每个标点符号的准确性到整篇论文的主旨和结构,无不 凝聚着刘老师的心血。刘老师治学态度严谨,敢于坚持真理,在学术观点上, 既不人云亦云,亦不一味追求标新立异,充分体现了实事求是,求真务实的学 者本色。同时,光明磊落的做人、诚挚热心的待人、公平公正的处事的品质也 为我们每一个学生树立了榜样。另外,也要感谢山东大学法学院诸位老师三年 以来的关心和教导,使我得以在在法学的殿堂中自在遨游。同时,女朋友董墙 婿长期以来对我无微不至的关心和帮助,使我得以顺利的'完成学业,自应附志,

以示不忘。 (Office ambience) CAmy 你有时间吗?

AI can always make time for you Chen Hao. What's the matter? C:我有个客户,听说我搬家,专门送了我一幅画儿。

AThat doesn't sound like a problem. It sounds more like a nice gesture.


AThat's too bad. He probably chose something he would like to have and didn't consider your taste. I hope you thanked him for it anyway. C:我觉得也是,给别人买东西,应该买别人喜欢的才对。不过我还是打算发电子邮件,谢谢他,但是不知道怎么写,所以来请教你。

AWell first of all you shouldn't use e-mail to thank someone for a gift. A proper note of gratitude should be handwritten.

C:什么是 gra――ti――tude?

AGratitude is the same as thanks or appreciation. C:那一定要手写吗?

AE-mail is impersonal and lacks warmth. The effort you make to

show your gratitude should match the effort that your client expended in sending you the gift.


AI'm sorry but that won't do either. You need to demonstrate your good manners by composing a personal note in your own words on the appropriate stationery.


AI don't have time now. But let's meet at the stationery store at noon.

MC:中午,陈豪和Amy一起到卡片专卖店。 CAmy 这种可以折叠的感谢卡挺大方的。

AThey are acceptable but not as classy as these correspondence cards that are made of heavier stock pa-pe-r.

C:噢,correspondence cards,就是回复卡。

AYou should order some with your name engraved acrothe top for future use.


AIt's not so hard and you don't have to be dishonest. C:你启发启发我。

AYou can tell your client how much you appreciate his

thoughtfulneand generosity in sending you a painting by this artist. C:有了。我就说“你怎么知道我家到处都是白墙的?画儿是我最需要的。”这样写,他也不知道我是不是喜欢那幅画。

AAnd you have all the elements of a proper thank you note. CAmy 你能再重复一下写感谢卡的注意事项吗?

AA note of thanks is hand written on quality notepa-pe-r. It begins with a specific reference to the gift remarks about its quality why you appreciate it and how you will use it.


