
2022-05-06 03:24:12   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《英文总结修订版传播学名词解释》,欢迎阅读!
1. I & Me: (主我与客我)The I is the impulsive,(冲动的) unorganized,(无组织的) undirected,(无向的) unpredictable part of you. (不可预知的你的一部分)The Me is the generalized other, made up of the organized and consistent patterns shared with others.。客我是广义的,由有组织的和一致的方式与他人分享。

2. The Looking-glass Self: (镜中我)This theory explains socialization 社会化)as a reflection process (作为反射过程中)in which a person develops a self-image that is constructed based on how other people view him/her. (一个人发展的自我象,构建基于别人是如何看待他/她)In this way, a person is socialized by trying to adjust their self-image.(通过这种方式,一个人社会化试图调整他们的自我形象)

3. Time-biased media:(偏向时间的媒介) Time-biased media could carry information and messages that last for many generations,(时代) but tend to reach limited audiences, (但往往达到有限的观众,如粘土、石碑,.手抄手稿等等。 such as clay, stone tablets, hand-copied manuscript and so on.

4. Communication effect: Communication behaviors行为) with persuading(说服)motivation(动机) exert changes about mental, attitudes and action on audiences. 传播效果:带有劝服性动机的沟通行为,会对观众精神,态度和行动上产生变化。

5. Opinion leader: (意见领袖)People who are active in information networks, and have many information channels, and they can often provide information and advice for others and can influence others.(在信息网络活跃的人,和有很多的信息渠道,们经常为他人提供信息和建议,可以影响别人)

6. Two-step flow of communication: 两级传播理论Communication from the mass media first reaches “opinion leaders” who filter (过滤器)the information they have gathered to their associates, with whom they are influential.


7. Agenda Setting Theory:(议程设置理论) Mass media report an issue or not directly affect peoples perception 感知on the subject. 主题However, mass media highlights强调 an issue will cause people to pay more attention to the issue.大众媒体报告


7. Spiral of Silence Theory: 沉默的螺旋理论This theory stipulates规定 that individuals have a fear of isolation,个人有对孤独的恐惧 which results from the idea that a social group or the society might isolate, neglect, or exclude us due to our opinions. This fear of isolation consequently leads to remaining silent instead of voicing opinions.结果认为一个社会团体或社会孤立,忽视或排除由于我们的意见。这种恐惧的孤立从而导致保持沉默而不是表达观点

9. 5 development stages of human communication: The stage of oral language medium; The stage of words medium; The stage of print medium; The stage of electronic medium; The stage of network medium.人类传播的五个发展阶段:口语媒介的阶段;文字媒介的阶段;印刷媒介的阶段;电子媒介的阶段;网络媒介的阶段。

10. Characteristics of sign:符号的特点 (1) Referring: a sign stands for something, but it is not the thing itself. (2) Arbitrary & Stipulation: Meanings of signs are different for different people in different contexts. (3) Developing.


11. Functions of nonverbal signs: 非语言符号的功能:Nonverbal signs can carry information without any need of words; Nonverbal signs may reinforce or expand verbal information; The verbal and nonverbal channels may transmit apparently incongruent, which could express real ideas.非语言符号可以携带信息没有任何需要的单词;非语言符号可能会加强或扩大语言信息;语言和非语言频道可能传播显然不一致,这可能表达真实的想法。

11. Marshall McLuhan’s media theory: The medium is the extension of man; The medium is the message; Hot medium and cool medium; Global village.


12. Characteristics of the stage of network medium: Incomparable timeliness; Massive and opened communication content dissemination; Two-way and

interactional communication process; Personalized communication environment. 网络媒介的阶段特点:无与伦比的及时性;大规模和打开通信内容传播;双向沟通、相互影响的过程;个性化的通信环境。

14. Factors that may affect gatekeeper: Political and legal factors; Economic factors; Social and cultural factors; Information; Communication organizations; Audience; Personal factors影响把关人的因素:政治法律因素;经济因素;社会文化因素;信息;沟通组织;观众;个人因素

