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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《大连星海广场英文简介》,欢迎阅读!


Xinghai Square is the largest city square in Asia. Xinghai Square is constructed in July 1993.The government filled in the sea of 114 hectares and made 62 hectares land, then the Asia’s largest city square is funded, total 176 hectares. The project is finished in June 1997.

广场中央设有全国最大的汉白玉华表,高19.97米,直径1.997米,以此纪念香港回归祖国,华表底座和柱身共饰有9条巨龙,寓意九州华夏儿女都是龙的传人。 In the center of the square, there is the largest white marble ornamental column in China. The height is 19.97m, diameter 1.997m. This number is used to commemorate the return of Hongkong to China. The column base and body has total 9 dragons, means all of Chinese people are the descendants of the dragon.

广场中心由999四川红色大理石铺设而成,红色理石的外围 是黄色大五角星,红黄两色象征着炎黄子孙。大理石上刻着天干地支、24节气和12肖,站在自己的生肖上摄影 ,可以带来好运。

The Xinghai square center is made by 999 pieces Sichuan red marble. The outside of red marble is a big yellow star. Red and yellow color stands for Chinese descendants. On the red marble, Chinese era, 24 solar terms and 12 Chinese zodiac are carved. If you take a photo by standing on your own Chinese zodiac, it will bring you good luck.

广场周边还设有5盏高12.34米的大型宫灯,由汉白玉柱托起,光华灿烂,华表交相辉映。广场四周,雕刻了造型各异的9只大鼎,每只鼎上以魏碑体书有一个大字,共同组成"中华民族大团结万岁"象征着中华民族的团结与昌盛。从中心广场南行,便是"百年城雕" 大家可以看到,在足迹浮雕上面有很多脚印,这些脚印不是平白无故雕刻上去的,而是由1000个真人踩出来,每一双足迹都有一个有名有姓的主人。 这些脚印由北向南一直通向大海,它们是按照年龄排序的.排在第一行的是1899,大连建市的时候出生的.最后一行是1999年出生的.1000双脚印表明了大连的百年历史是由勤劳的大连人民创造.

Around the square, there are 5 large palace lanterns, the height is 12.34m. These palace lanterns are installed on the white marble columns. By the four sides of the square, there are 9 big different shape of Ding(ancient Chinese cooking vessel). On each Ding, one Chinese word is carved. The 9 words in total mean

Long live the great unity of the Chinese nation. Walking from the square

center to the south, you can see the century city sculpture. You can also see the foot print sculpture, there are a lot of feet sculptures here. These feet sculptures are all belongs to the real person. They lay from north to the south until the sea. They are sorted by age, the first row was born in 1899, the last row was born in 1999. These 1000 feet print sculptures means Dalian city is built by Dalian citizens.

