Everyday Use for Your Grandmama

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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《Everyday Use for Your Grandmama》,欢迎阅读!
Objectives of Teaching

To comprehend the whole story

To lean and master the vocabulary and expressions To learn to paraphrase the difficult sentences To understand the structure of the text

To appreciate the style and rhetoric of the passage.

Important and Difficult points

The comprehension of the whole story The understanding of certain expressions The appreciation of the writing technique Colloquial, slangy or black English

Cultural difference between nationalities in the US

IV. Character Analysis


She has held life always in the palm of one hand. "No" is a word the world never learned to say to her.

She would always look anyone in the eye. Hesitation was no part of her nature. She was determined to share down any disaster in her efforts.

I. Rhetorical devices:


chin on chest, eyes on ground, feet in shuffle Metaphor:

She washed us in a river of...burned us... Pressed us ...to shove us away stare down any disaster in her efforts...

Background information

The author wrote quite a number of novels, among them were The Color Purple which won the Pulitzer Prize of Fiction (普利策小说奖) and The American Book Award(美国图书奖). In 1985, the Color Purple was made into a movie which won great fame .

Everyday Use for Your Grandmama

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detailed Study of the Text

1. wavy: having regular curves

A wavy line has a series of regular curves along it. The wavy lines are meant to represent water.

Here in the text the word describes the marks in wavy patterns on the clay ground left by the broom.

*image - 1* (此处加一细曲线图)

2. groove: a long narrow path or track made in a surface, esp. to guide the movement of sth. A groove is a wide, deep line cut into a surface.

The cupboard door slides open along the groove it fits into.

3. homely: simple, not grand, (of people, faces, etc.,) not good-looking, ugly If someone is homely, they are not very attractive to look at; uased in Am.E.

4. awe: Awe is the feeling of respect and amazement that you have when you are faced with sth. wonderful, frightening or completely unknown., wonder The child stared at him in silent awe.

5. confront: to face boldly or threateningly, encounter

If a problem, task, or difficulty confronts you, or you are confronted with it, it iss sth. that you cannot avoid and must deal with

I was confronted with the task of designing and building the new system.

6. totter: to move in an unsteady way from side to side as if about to fall, to walk with weak unsteady steps

The old lady tottered down the stairs.

7. limousine: A limousine is a large and very comfortable car, esp. one with a glass screen between the front and back seats. Limousines are usually driven by a chauffeur [ou] cf:

sedan / saloon is a car with seats for four or more people, a fixed roof, and a boot (the space at the back of the car, covered by a lid, in which you carry things such luggage, shopping or tools) that is separate from the seating part of the car

convertible: a car with a soft roof that can be folded down or removed

sports car: a low usu. open car with room for only 2 people for traveling with high power and speed

coupe [‘ku:pei] a car with a fixed roof, a sloping back, two doors and seats for four people

station wagon (Am E) / estate car (Br.E) a car which has a long body with a door at the back end and space behind the back seats

8. gray / grey: used to describe the colour of peoples hair when it changes from its original colour, usu. as they get old and before it becomes white

9. tacky: (Am.E, slang) shabby

10. overalls: are a single piece of clothing that combines trousers and a jacket. Your wear overalls over your clothes in order to protect them from dirt, paint, etc. while you are working The breast pocket of his overalls was filled with tools. (工装裤)

11. hog:

a. a pig, esp. a fat one for eating

b. a male pig that has been castrated c. a dirty person

swine: (old & tech) pig

boar [o:]: male pig on a farm that is kept for breeding sow [au]: fully grown female pig

12. sledge hammer: large, heavy hammer for swinging with both hands, a large heavy hammer with a long handle, used for smashing concrete

13. barley: 大麦

14. pancake: a thin, flat circle of cooked batter (糊状物) made of milk, flour and eggs. usu. rolled up or folded and eaten hot with a sweet or savory filling inside

15. sidle: walk as if ready to turn or go the other way

If you sidle somewhere, you walk there uncertainly or cautiously, as if you do not want anyone to notice you

A man sidled up to me and asked if I wanted a ticket for the match..

16. shuffle: slow dragging walk

If you shuffle, you walk without lifting your feet properly off the ground He slipped on his shoes and shuffled out of the room.

If you shuffle, you move your feet about while standing or move your bottom about while sitting, often because you feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. I was shuffling in my seat. cf:

totter (n.6), sidle(n. 15), shuffle

17. blaze: to burn with a bright flame

A wood fire was blazing, but there was no other light in the room. n. the sudden sharp shooting up of a flame, a very bright fire The fire burned slowly at first, but soon burst into a blaze.

18. sweet gum tree: a large North American tree of the witch hazel (榛子) family, with alternate maplelike leaves, spiny (多刺的) fruit balls, and flagrant juice

美洲金缕梅, 落叶灌木或小乔木. 原产于北美和亚洲. 其分叉小枝从前用为魔杖, 这寻找地下水, 故俗称魔杖.

19. dingy: dirty and faded

A building or place that is dingy is rather dark and depressing and does not seem to have been well looked after,.

This is the dingiest street of the town.

Clothes, curtains, etc. that are dingy are dirty or faded.

20. raise: to collect together

raise an army / raise enough money for a holiday His wife raised the money by selling her jewellery. We’re trying to raise funds to establish a scholarship.

21. underneath: (so as to go) under (sth..) The letter was pushed underneath the door.

Did you find very much growing underneath the snow?

(Here it suggests a repressive and imposing quality in her voice.)

22. make-believe: a state of pretending or the things which are pretended She lives in a make-believe world / a world of make-believe. Don’t be afraid of monster - the story’s only make-believe. The little girl made believe she was a princess.

23. shove: to push, esp. in a rough or careless way There was a lot of pushing and shoving to get on the bus. Help me to shove this furniture aside.

If you shove sb. or sth., you push them with a quick, rather, violent movement. He dragged her out to the door and shoved her into the street.

24. dimwit: (infml) an ignorant and stupid person dim: faint, not bright wit: intelligence, wisdom

at one’s wit’s end: at the end of one’s tether

25. organdy: (Br. E organdie) very fine transparent muslin (麦斯林纱, 平纹细布) with a stiff finish (最后一层涂饰), very fine rather stiff cotton material used esp. for womens dresses (蝉翼纱, 玻璃纱)

26. pump: low shoe that grips the foot chiefly at the toe and the heel

27. stare down any disaster in her efforts: face up and defeat any disaster with her efforts stare down: two people looking at each other persistently until one shifts his eye 28. flicker: to move backwards and forwards unsteadily shadows flickered on the wall flickering eyelids

29. stumble: to stop and /or make mistakes in speaking or reading aloud to catch the foot on the ground while moving along and start to fall She stumble at/over the long word He stumbled and stopped reading.


stammer: to speak or say with pauses and repeated sounds, either habitually or because of excitement, fear, etc. stammerer

stutter: to speak or say with difficulty in producing sounds, esp. habitually holding back the first consonant. stutterer

30. good-naturedly: naturally kind, ready to help, to forgive, not to be angry

A person or animal that is good-natured is naturally friendly and does not easily get angry. a good-natured policeman

31. mossy:

moss: any of several types of a small flat green or yellow flowerless plant that grows in a thick furry mass on wet soil, or on a wet surface

32. hook: to catch with or as if with a hook to hook a fish / a rich husband hooknose

Here: to attack with the horn of the cow

33. soothe: to make less angry, excited or anxious, comfort or calm, to make less painful soothing words

soothe one’s feelings

34. shingle: a small thin piece of building material (such as wood) often with one end thicker than the other for laying in overlapping rows as a covering for the roof or sides of building

cf: tile; a flat or curved piece of fired clay, stone, or concrete used esp. for roofs, floors, or walls and often for ornamental work

35. porthole: also port, a small usu. circular window or opening in a ship for light or air

36. shutter: a. one that shuts

b. movable cover (wooden panel or iron plate, hinged, or separate and detachable) for a window or door, to keep out light or burglars. cf: Venetian blinds

The shop front is fitted with rolling shutters.

c. device that opens to admit light through the lens of a camera

37. pasture: land where grass is grown and where cattle feed on it

38. furtive: stealthy, If sb. is furtive, he / she behaves as if he / she wants to keep sth. secret or hidden

They suddenly looked furtive when I got into the room.

I watched him furtively pencil a note and slip it between the pages.

A woman with furtive look sidled up to me and asked furtively whether I had / wanted receipts.

39. hang about: to wait or stay near a place without purpose or activity

40. washday: also washing day, the day when clothes are washed

41. impressed with her: impressed by her manner,

42. well-turned: (of a phrase) carefully formed and pleasantly expressed

a well-turned phrase: 恰当的词语

43. cute: delightfully pretty and often small

If you describe sb. as cute you mean that you find them attractive, often in a sexual way

44. scald: to burn with hot liquid

He scalded his tongue on / with the hot coffee

scalding: boiling or as hot as boiling

court: If a man courts a woman, he pays a lot of attention to her because he wants to marry her.

45. flashy: over-ornamented, unpleasantly big, bright, etc. and perhaps not of good quality Something that is flashy is so smart, bright and expensive that you find it unpleasant and perhaps vulgar

a flashy sports car / cheap flashy clothes

46. recompose:

compose: to make (esp. oneself) calm, quiet, etc. Jean was nervous at first but soon composed herself.

47. kinky: (esp. of hair) having kinks

kink: a backward turn or twist in hair, a rope, chain, pipe, etc.

48. wriggle: to twist from side to side

49. loud: attracting attention by being unpleasantly colourful

50. rope: (of 2 or more mountain climbers) to be fastened together with the same rope (I think the word here means the plaits or the pigtails are fastened together

51. gliding: to move noiselessly in a smooth, continuous manner, which seems easy and without effort

glider: a plane without an engine

52. something of a(n)... : (infml) rather a(n), a fairly good

You use the expression something of in the following ways. If you say that a person or thing has something of a particular quality, feeling, etc., you mean that they have it to some extent.

If you say that a person is something of an actor, something of a poet, etc., you mean that the person can act, write poetry, etc. to some extent Dr. Mitra, a scholar and something of a philosopher

If you say that a situation is something of a mystery / a surprise, etc., you mean that it is slightly mysterious, slightly surprising

He is something of a book collector / a liar / a musician. I am something of a carpenter myself, you know.

make sth. of oneself: be successful

He is a clever boy--- I hope he'll make sth. of himself.

53. peek: (infml) to look at sth. quickly, esp. when one should not

They caught him peeking through the hole at what was going on in the room peep: to look at sth. quickly and secretly It’s rude to peep at other people’s work.

He took a peep at the back of the book to find out the answers to the questions.

Peek & Peep are not clearly distinguishable when denoting to see what is concealed, or hidden.

peer: to look very carefully or hard, esp. as if not able to see well She peered through the mist, trying to find the right path. He peered at me over the top of his glasses.

54. stoop: to bend the head and shoulders forwards and down

55. cower: to bend low and draw back as from fear, pain, shame, cold etc.

56. go through motions with Maggies hand:

Here “motions” refer to trying to shake hands with Maggie.

If you go through the motions, you say or do sth. that is expected of you without being very sincere or serious about it. Or you pretend to do sth. by making the movements associated with a particular action.

The doctor was sure that the man wasn’t ill, but he went through the motions of examining him. I can go through the motions of putting imaginary food into my mouth.

57. limp: lacking strength or stiffness

n. a way of walking with one foot dragging unevenly

v. to walk with an uneven step, one foot or leg moving less well than the other

58. There you are: I told you so.

There you are. I knew I was right. That’s what I expected. I knew you couldn’t trace it further back.

There I was not: You are not right.

crop up: arise, happen or appear, unexpectedly

Some difficulties have cropped up at work so I’ll be late coming home tonight.

Literally the sentence in the text could possibly understood as follows: I was not there before the name “Dicie” appeared in our family, so why...

But “There I was not” is obviously a quick, short cut answer to “there you are”.

59. Model A car: in 1909 Henry Ford mass-produced 15 million Model T cars and thus made automobiles popular in the States. In 1928 the Model T was discontinued and replaced by a new design - the Model A - to meet the needs for growing competition in car manufacturing.

Here he thinks she is quaint, attractive because it is strange and something rather old fashioned

60. ream: sl. say it, spit it

61. out of the way: not blocking space for the forward movement of

(Here there must be one misunderstanding either by me or by the editor who explains that as: We overcame the difficulty and managed to pronounce it at last) I will move the chair out of your way.

He ran through the crowd, pushing people out of his way. Her social life got in the way of her studies.

We got the name out of the way: we finished talking about it, we set the problem aside. When we got topic A out of the way, we discuss topic B.

62. trip: If you trip over something, you knock your foot against something when you are walking and lose your balance so that you fall or nearly fall. I tripped and fell...

She tripped over a stone...

He put each foot down carefully to avoid tripping up. Here: to make a mistake as in a statement or behaviour

This lawyer always tries to trip witness up by asking confusing questions.

63. salt-lick shelters: shelters where blocks of rock salt were kept for cattle to lick

64. style: The style of a particular person or group is all the general attitudes, likes, dislikes, and ways of behaving that are characteristic of them.

Purple is not my style.

Raising cattle is not my style: I am not interested in raising cattle.

65. gone and married: colloq.

66. collard: 宽叶羽衣甘蓝

67. go on through the chitlins etc.

chitlins: also chitlings, chitterlings: the intestines of hogs esp. when -prepared as food

68. greens: green vegetables

69. talk a blue streak: speak very fast and very much

blue streak: sth. that moves very fast, a constant stream of works streak: thin line or band, different from what surrounds it

70. rump: the part of an animal at the back just above the legs. When we eat this part of a cow it is called a rump steak (后腿部的牛排)

(humour) of a human being the part of the body one sits on, bottom

71. her hand closed over the butter dish: A butter dish is a small rectangular container which you can simply put your hand close over

72. if I could have: here if means whether

73. churn: a container in which milk is moved about violently until it becomes butter , Am.E a large metal container in which milk is stored or carried from the farm (搅乳器, 盛奶罐)

74. clabber: (not found in Longman or Collins) curdle --- to form into curds, cause to thicken

75. whittle: to cut (wood) to a smaller size by taking off small thing pieces

76. dasher: a devise having blades for agitating a liquid or semisolid

77. centerpiece: The centerpiece of a set of things that is greatly admired is sth. that you show as the best example of the set

The centerpiece of the modern navy is the nuclear submarine.

78. alcove: an alcove is a small area in a room which is formed by one part of a wall being built further back than the rest of the wall. a partially enclosed extension of a room, often occupied by a bed or by seats, 凹室 (see. Oxford)

79. to do with the dasher: use the dasher to make sth. artistic I’ll do sth. artistic with the dasher

I don’t know what to do with those books, what to use them for, where to put them Someone who is artistic is able to create or appreciate good painting, sculpture.

Something that is artistic relates to art or to artists. A design, arrangement, pattern, etc. that is

artistic is beautiful or attractive

80. sink: a depression (part of a surface lower than the other parts) in the land surface (The rain collected in several depressions on the ground.)

81. rifle: to search through and steal everything valuable out of a place The thieves rifled his pockets of all their contents. The burglar rifled the safe.

The bad boy rifled the apple tree.

Here in the text, the word “rifle” means to look thorough to see what to take, and indicates that Dee was trying to find sth. she did not deserve.

82. hung back: be unwilling to act or move

The bridge looked so unsafe that we all hung back in fear.

83. piece: to make by joining pieces together

84. quilt: to sew, stitch in layers with padding in between

85. Lone Star and Walk Around the Mountain pattern

86. scrap: small piece, bit a scrap of paper

Scrap of bread were thrown to the birds.

There was not a scrap of food left, we’ve eaten it all.

87. teeny: teeny weeny: also teensy weensy (used esp. to children) very small

88. top: the most important or worthiest part of anything

89. priceless: of great value

cf: invaluable, priceless, expensive, costly, dear, precious, sumptuous, luxurious

valueless: worthless, useless

90. temper: particular state or condition of the mind with regard to anger, an angry, impatient or bad state of mind John is in a temper today.

91. stump: n. the part of a plant, (esp. a tree) remaining attached to the root after the trunk is cut

v. put an unanswerable question to, puzzle, perplex

If something stumps you, you cannot think of any solution or answer for it The question has stumped philosophers since the beginning of time.

It’s unusual for Jeremy to be stumped for an answer. You’ve go me stumped there.

92. snuff: tobacco made into powered for breathing into the nose, esp. used in former times

93. dopey: [doupi] showing dullness of the mind or feelings caused or as if caused by alcohol or a drug, sleepy and unable to think clearly, stupid

94. hangdog: (of an expression on the face) ashamed, guilty, cowed

95. portion: an individuals lot, fate, or fortune, destiny, ones share of good and evil Utter disaster was my portion.

What would be my portion on the day the enemy invaded?

96. heritage: property that descends to an heir, sth. transmitted by or acquired from a predecessor, sth. possessed as a result of ones natural situation or birth


wavy ( adj. ) :likecharacteristic ofor suggestive of waves波状的;有起伏的 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

groove ( n.) :a longnarrow furrow or hollow cut in a surface with a tool();纹槽 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

elm ( adj.) : designating a family(Ulmaceae)of trees growing largely in the NTemperate Zone[]榆科的


totter ( v.) :be unsteady on one's feetstagger蹒跚而行 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

limousine ( n.) :any large luxurious sedanesp. one driven by a chauffeur(配有司机的)高级轿车 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sporty ( adj.) :characteristic of a sport or sporting man运动员似的 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

tacky ( adj.) : untidyneglectedunrefinedvulgar劣等的;破旧的;粗俗的 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

flannel ( n.) :a softlightweightloosely woven woolen cloth with a slightly napped surface法兰


barley ( n.) :a cereal grass(Hordeum vulgare and related species)with densebearded spikes of flowerseach made up of three singleseeded spikelets大麦 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

lame (adj. ) :crippleddisabledesp. having an injured leg or foot that makes one limp瘸的;残废的


sidle ( v) :move sidewaysesp. in a shy or stealthy manner(羞怯或偷偷地)侧身行走 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- shuffle ( n.) :a slow dragging walk拖着脚走


papery ( adj.) :thinlightetc1ike paper(在厚薄、质地等方面)像纸的 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

dingy (adj.) :dirtycolorednot bright or cleangrimy昏暗的,不明亮的;不干净的;无光泽的;弄脏了的


makebelieve ( n.) : n. pretensefeigning假装;虚假②adj. pretendedfeignedsham装的;虚假的


dimwit ( n.) :[slang]a stupid personsimpleton[]蠢人,笨蛋,傻子 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

organdy ( n.) : very sheercrisp cotton fabric used for dressescurtainsetc.蝉翼纱;玻璃纱(一种细薄的透明布)


pump ( n.) :a lowcut shoe without straps or ties一种浅口无带皮鞋 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

flicker ( v) :move with a quicklightwavering motion摇曳,摇动;晃动 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

mossy ( adj.) : full of or covered with moss or a mosslike growth生了苔的;多苔的;苔状的 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

hook ( v) :attack with the hornsas a bullgore(牛等以角)抵破,抵伤


shingle ( n.) :a thinwedgeshaped piece of woodslate, etc1aid with others in a series of overlapping rows as a covering for roofs and the sides of the houses屋顶板;木瓦 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- porthole ( n.) :an opening in a ship's sideas for admitting light and air(船侧采光、通气的)舷窗;舱口


rawhide ( adj. ) :done or acting in a stealthy manneras if to hinder observationsurreptitiousstealthysneakysecret鬼鬼祟祟的,偷偷摸摸的;秘密的 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

cute ( adj.) :[Amcolloq]pretty or attractiveesp. in a delicate or dainty way[美口]漂亮的,俏的,迷人的;逗人喜爱的


scalding ( adj.) :fierce in attacking in words措辞尖锐的

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lye ( n.) :any strongly alkaline substanceusually sodium or potassium hydroxideused in cleaningmaking soapetc.碱液

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recompose ( v. ) : restore to composure使恢复镇静


stocky ( adj.) :heavily builtsturdyshort and thickset矮胖的;结实的 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

kinky (adj.) :full of kinkstightly curledespof hair(尤指头发)绞缠的;纽结的;弯曲的 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

wriggle ( v ) :twist from side to sideeither in one place or when moving along蠕动;扭动 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

earring ( n.) :[usup1.] an ornament worn on the ear[常用复数]耳环,耳饰 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

bracelet ( n.) :an ornamental band or chain worn about the wrist or arm手镯 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

armpit ( n.) :the hollow place under the arm at the shoulder腋下,腋窝 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

lizard ( n.) :any of several types of(usu)small creatures which are reptileswith a rough skin4 legsand a long tail蜥蜴


nave ( z) :a small mark or sunken place in the middle of he stomach1eft when the connection to the mother(the umbilical cord)was cut at birth肚脐

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hug ( v) :hold(someone)tightly in the arms搂抱;紧抱 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- perspiration ( n.) :the act or action of sweating出汗;汗 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

peek ( v) :glance or look quickly and furtivelyesp. through an opening or from behind something(尤指从缝隙或隐蔽处)偷看;窥视


Polaroid ( n.) :[short for Polaroid Land Camera]a portable camera that develops the film negative internally and produces a print within seconds after the process is initiated (Polaroid Land Camera的缩略式)(一种即照即成相片的照相机)波拉罗伊德照相机;“拍立来”照相机 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

stoop ( v) :bend(the head and shoulders)forwards and down屈身;弯腰 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

nibble ( v.) :take small bites(out of something)eat(something)with small bites细咬,细食;一点点地咬


snap ( v) :take a snapshot of抢拍;用快照拍摄


limp (adj.) :1acking or having lost stiffnessflacciddroopingwiltedetc.柔软的 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

crop ( v) :(used in crop up)arisehappenor appearunexpectedly(用于crop up)突然出现;突然发生


trip [trip] :口.(used inrip over)make an awkward mistake in(something such as words)(用于trip over)(在语言上)出差错;卡壳,支吾


herd ( n.) :a number of cattle or other large animals feedinglivingor being driven together群;畜群


collard ( n.) :a kind of kale(Brassica oleracea acephala) whose coarse leaves are borne in tufts衣甘蓝


chitlins ( n.) :[p1.]the small intestines of pigsused for food[](猪等的)小肠(供食用) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

streak ( n.) :streak [colloq](used in talk a blue streak)talk much and rapidly[]连珠炮似地谈话;滔滔不绝地讲话


rump ( n.) :[humor](of a human being)the part of the body one sits on[]臀部 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- churn ( n.) :a container in which milk is moved about violently until it becomes butter搅乳器(以搅拌牛乳而制成黄油)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clabber ( n.) :thickly curdled sour milk酸牛奶


whittle ( v) :cut(wood)to a smaller size by taking off small thin pieces(木头) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

dasher ( n.) :a rotating device for whipping creamas in a churnetc(奶油)搅拌器 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

centerpiece ( n.) :an ornamenta bowl of flowersetcfor the center of a table放在桌子中央的装饰品(如花瓶等)


alcove ( n.) :a recessed section of a roomas a breakfast nook凹室(如早餐座) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

sink ( n.) :[geo1]an area of slightly sunken landesp. one in which water collects or disappears by evaporation or percolation into the ground渗坑;洼地 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

rifle ( v. ) :ransack and rob(a placebuilding etc)pillageplunder抢劫,掠夺(某地) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- scrap ( n.) :a small piecebitfragmentshred小片;碎片 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

teeny ( adj.) :[colloq]variation of the word tiny tiny的口语体 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

slam ( v) :shut or allow to shut with force and noise使劲关(门等);砰地(把门等)关上 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lavender ( adj) :palepurple淡紫色的


stump ( v) :[colloq]puzzleperplexbaffle[]使困惑;使茫然不知所措 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- scrape ( v) :(cause to)rub roughly(使)磨擦


checkerberry ( n.) :[Am]the edibleredberrylike fruit of the wintergreen[]平铺白珠树的果


snuff ( n.) :smellscent气味,气息


dopey ( adj.) :[colloq]mentally slow or confusedstupid[](感觉)迟钝的;迷迷糊糊的,昏昏沉沉的;愚蠢的;呆傻的

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hangdog (adj) :ashamed and cringing羞愧的


短语 (Expressions)

crop up: vto appear unexpectedly or occasionally意外出现,偶然出现

例: All sorts of difficulties have cropped up at work.在工作中,各种各样的困难意想不到地出现了。

习题全解 I .

1)In real life the mother was a large, big-boned woman with rough, man-working hands.

2)Dee like her mother to have a slender figure and a fair skin, glistening hair and a quick and witty tongue.

3)When she meets a strange white man, she always avoids looking him in the eye and is ready to go away.

4)Maggie is an innocent, timid and kind-hearted girl.

5) Because they were more seriously looked down upon by white men at that time, and they were not as awaken as they are today.

6)Because Dee doesn't like her friends to see the poor state her family is in, which she thinks is shameful. This tells us that Dee is somewhat a snob. Another instance to prove this is that she wants nice things.

7)Because it was old and stitched by hand instead of by machine. So that she could use them for decoration showing to the people she was associated with.

8)Maggie wanted the quilt because she could remember her grandma better, who taught her to do needle work.

9)Because she wanted to get some valuable heritages of the family, mainly out of her vanity. 10)At first the mother liked Dee because of her beauty, taste, and education. But with the development of the story, her love was transferred to a dislike because of Dee's egotism, which was obviously revealed when she insisted on taking the quilts while her sister Maggie gave up keeping it willingly to satisfy her desire.

11)It's implied that the story is written in honor of the grandma mentioned in it and that the ordinary old thing may be something precious for the young. .

1)She thinks that her sister has a firm control of her life.

2)She could always have anything she wanted, and life was extremely generous to her.

3)The popular TV talk show star, Johnny Carson, who is famous for his witty and glib tongue, has to try hard if he wants to catch up with me.

4)It seems to me that I have talked to them always ready to leave as quickly as possible. 5)She imposed on us lots of falsity.

6)imposed on us a lot of knowledge that is totally useless to us 7)She is not bright just as she is neither good-looking rich. 8)Dee wore a very long dress even on such a hot day.

9)You can see me trying to move my body a couple of seconds before I finally manage to push myself up.

10)Soon he knows that won't do for Maggie, so he stops trying to shake hands with Maggie. 11)As I see Dee is getting tired of this, I don't want to go on either. In fact, I could have traced it far back before the Civil War along the branches of the family tree.

12)Now and then he and Dee communicated through eye contact in a secretive way. 13)If Maggie put the old quilts on the bed, they would be in rags less than five years. 14)She knew this was God's arrangement.

. See the translation of the text. Ⅹ.

1)hog 2)bull calf小公牛 3)dog 4)cow奶牛 5)mule骡子 6)snake 7)sheep 8)lizard蜥蜴 9)fish lO)cattle

Ⅺ.Since she never had an education herselfshe tended to use simple wordsfragmented sentences and other ungrammatical sentencesTo give one exampleshe used like to introduce a clause instead of as XlII. Omitted. XlV.

My Family

Ours is a big family. My father is a worker who lives in a lo-cal city. Both my oldest uncle and second uncle set up house-keeping in the countryside. My youngest uncle is a teacher and lives far from us. Great changes have taken place in my family since the beginning of the reform and opening policy.

In the late 1970s, our big family had a get-together and discussed the problem of my grandma's residence. Those were hard times. No one took the initiative to live with her. Each family had a skeleton in the cupboard. Oldest uncle had room only e-n0ugh to shelter them from the wind and rain. He had to tighten his belt to keep the family pot boiling. Second uncle had nothing but four bare walls to face and led a dog's life. Youngest uncle was said to be living in a dormitory and couldn't even afford a trip back. My father lived in a bungalow which was a doll's house thing and had to eke out our livelihood. But it was better anyway. My grandma lived on with us.

Such was my family at that time. Each family of the big ex-tended family was in financial straits.

In the early 1990s, my big clan held another family meeting and still my grandma's residence was discussed. But great changes had occurred. Each smaller family was "fighting" for the chance to live with grandma. The meeting began in a merry atmosphere. My father started, "The government has established a system of floor wages and ceiling working hours. We have a steady income and regular leisure time. Besides, we have a well-furnitured apartment. " Oldest uncle

hastened, "The state has legalized us to be engaged in household sideline production, so I have set up a small but rather profitable poultry farm. Moreover, there is more spacious room. " Second uncle would't fall behind, "I have contracted to run a large stretch of land and engage many farm hands. I profit a lot from it. I have more leisure time. " Eventually, as regards the peace in the country-side, my grandma moved to second uncle, youngest uncle took a flight back and told us he had just bought a flat.

That was my family about 10 years later. Each smaller family lived in abundance.

Now, oldest uncle is manager of a large-scale poultry farm and second uncle's farm has been mechanized.

To sum up, the spring wind of the reform and opening policy has led to great changes and my family is well on the way toprosperity.

