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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《不同体质量指数的2型糖尿病患者中医体质分析》,欢迎阅读!


【期刊名称】《湖北民族学院学报(医学版)》 【年(),期】2015(000)003

【摘 要】Objective To provide reference for cIinicaI prevention and treatment of diabetes by comparing the quaIity index of the Type 2 diabetes patients with TCM constitution distribution

characteristics.Methods CoIIect Type 2 354 diabetic patients who are in accordance with the di-agnostic criteria of type 2 diabetes and in Iine with the incIusion criteria and excIusion criteria. Record the generaI information ( gender,age,weight and height) ,the caIcuIation of body mass index ( BMI) of aII the research objects divided into 3 groups with a BMI of

grouping,132 cases with normaI body weight group (18.5 is Iess than or equaI to BMI<24),88 cases of overweight (24 is Iess than or equaI to BMI<28) and obesity group BMI>28 134;meanwhiIe,fiII in the tabIe body quaIity of TraditionaI Chinese Medicine,in accordance with the“Chinese constitution cIas-sification and judgment of TCM constitution cIassification” in the study,then anaIysis was made of the different groups of type 2 diabetes medicine physicaI characteristics.Results In 354 cases of patients with Type 2 diabetes,physicaI distribution of TraditionaI Chinese Medicine in the to-taI order was as foIIows:Yin deficiency>Qi deficiency>phIegm matter>of Yang deficiency con-stitution damp heat matter>fIat and

matter>bIood stasis qi stagnation constitution>SpeciaI in-trinsic quaIity.Grouped by BMI, 18.5 was Iess than or equaI to BMI<24 normaI body weight group bardo asthenia and Qi deficiency of higher rates;super reorganization of TCM constitution of three:Qi deficiency and matter>Yin matter>Yang deficiency, Qi deficiency is the most.In obese patients,phIegm dampness mass accounted for 25.4%,which was foIIowed by Yin defi-ciency.The difference between the three groups was statisticaIIy significant.Conclusion Type 2 diabetes meIIitus is the most common constitution:Yin deficiency,Qi deficiency,phIegm damp-ness,dampness heat and moisture, and there were differences in TCM physicaI constitution distribution for patients with different body mass indexes.%目的:通过比较不同体质量指数的2型糖尿病( DM)患者中医体质分布特点,为2DM的临床防治提供参考。方法收集符合纳入标准的2DM354例,记录患者的一般资料,计算体质量指数( BMI ),按照BMI分为正常体质量组(18.5≤BMI<24132例,超重组(24≤BMI<2888例,肥胖组(BMI≥28)134例;同时填写中医体质量表,按照《中医体质分类与判定》对患者进行中医体质分类,分析不同组别2DM患者中医体质特点。结果在3542DM患者中,中医体质分布总体顺序为:阴虚质、气虚质、痰湿质、阳虚质、湿热质、平和质、气郁质、血瘀质、特禀质。按BMI分组,正常体质量组以阴虚质、气虚质为主;超重组前3位主要体质类型分别是气虚质、阴虚质、阳虚质。肥胖患者中以痰湿质为主,占254%,阴虚质次之。三组体质之间比较,差异有统计意义( P005)。结论2DM其常见体质为:阴虚质、气虚质、痰湿质、阳虚质;不同体质量指数患者中医体质分布存在差异,体质量正常组以阴虚质为主,超重组以气虚质为主,肥胖组以痰湿质为主。

【总页数】3(P21-23) 【作 者】武旭梅;郜志宏

【作者单位】山西医科大学公共卫生学院 山西太原030001; 晋城市晋煤集团总医院中医科 山西晋城048006;晋城市晋煤集团总医院中医科 山西晋城048006 【正文语种】 【中图分类】R259 【相关文献】

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