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2009年广东专插本(英语)真题试卷 (题后含答案及解析)

题型有:1. Vocabulary and Structure 2. 3. Cloze 4. Writing

Vocabulary and Structure

1 Nearly two thousand years have passed______ the Chinese first invented the compass.

Awhen Bbefore Csince Dafter


解析:since引导的时间状语从句表示“自从……以来”,用法主要有两种:(1)现在完成时的主句+since引导的一般过去时态的时间状语从句。如:They have been friends ever since they were in grade school他们从小学起就一直是朋友。(2)It be(主句中谓语用一般式和完成式区别不大,后者更具强调意味)+表示一段时间的词汇+since引导的时间状语从句。如:It is two years since I became a postgraduate student.我成为研究生已两年了。It was three years since we had been there.我们在那儿已待了三年。本句属于第一种情况。

2 They lost their way in the forest and______made matters worse was night began to fall.

Athat Bit Cwhat Dwhich



3 ______ leisure was generally considered a waste of time. ANot until recently BNot recently CUntil recently DRecently until



4 ______ that this region was so rich in natural resources. ALittle he knew BLittle he did know CLittle did he know DLittle he had known



5 After a meal in restaurant, one asks the waiter for the______. Apay Bbill Ccharge Dnote



6 If you are walking away from a clock tower, you will hear the ticking of the clock fade to a point______ it cannot be heard.

Awhich Bwhat Cwhere Dhow


解析:a point在此指“某一点”,表示位置,所以用where来修饰,故选C

7 To our disappointment, Bill______ to win the very important game. Aserved Bfailed Cmanaged Denjoyed


解析:fail to do sth没能(成功)做到某事;manage to do=千方百计地做某事,不合句意;enjoy doing sth:喜欢做某事。故选B

8 For the whole period of two months, there______no rain in this area. Now the crops are dead.


Bwas Chas been Dhave been



9 You must try to______ looking after yourself. Aget accustomed to Bget along with Cget by Dget off


解析:get accustomed to sth./doing sth.意为“习惯于某事/做某事”get along with:与……相处;get by:设法过活,勉强维持;get off with sth:免受处罚,逃脱惩罚。故选A

10 I know this job of mine isnt well paid, ______, I don I have to work long hours.

Aon the one hand Bon the contrary Chowever Dotherwise


解析:根据句意,前后是转折关系,因此应该选择表转折意义的连词,只有however(然而,但是)合适,on the one hand:一方面;on the contrary:相反地;otherwise:否则。

11 The______ and more educated people in the East have, to a great extent, taken up the table manners and customs of the West.

Arich Bricher Cpoor Dpoorer


解析:首先and前后应连接两个平行的结构,and前也应该是一比较级结构,可排除AC又根据句意,应选择与more educated意思相近的词,故用rich的比较级richer,故选B

12 ______suggestions you make, he will turn a deaf ear to them.

AWhat BWhich CWhatever DHowever


whatever=No matter what让步从句因其修饰suggestions,故不可用however

13 Mr. Johnson, together with his wife and two daughters, ______to arrive on the evening flight.

Aare going Bare Cwill Dis


解析:单数名词+withalong withtogether withcombined withas well asrather than等所跟的名词做主语时,要遵循语法一致的原则,谓语动词仍然用单数形式。故选D

14 The meeting is for the ______purpose of discussing how to prevent crime. Adetailed Bspecific Climited




15 The______of College English Tests is to help students learn English better, isnt it?

Aobjective Bsubject Cobjecting Daiming



16 The newspaper______ severe punishment for all who had been involved in this incident.

Aapplied for Bcalled for Clooked for Dpaid for


解析:call for:要求;apply for:申请;look for:寻找;pay for:付……的费,根据句意选B

17 By trading, both countries get good products from abroad for______they would cost if made at home.

Aless than Bmore than Clittle than Dfewer then



18 He was______by the army because of his poor eye-sight. Arejected Bstopped Cdeclined Dprevented



19 At the______ moment, people from all corners of the country offered their help to the earthquake survivors.

Ameaningful Bcritical Cbeneficial Duseful

正确答案:B 解析:critical关键的,危急的;符合句意。meaningful充满意义的;beneficial有益的,有利的;useful:有用的。

20 I was ______ when I learnt that your application for the post of secretary had been unsuccessful.


Bregretted Cregrettable Dregretting



21 Who is the greatest man______? Aliving Blively Clive Dalive



22 I never had the ______to hear him play the piano. Acontact Bcontest Cpossibility Dopportunity



23 ______ of money prevented us from taking a holiday this year. ALimitation BFreedom CExpense DLack



24 These shops normally______ in old antique items, not in modern ones. Amajor Bpull

Cspecialize Dget


解析:specialize in从事,专攻;major in专业为(某科目)根据句意选C

25 Physics is the equivalent of______used to be called natural philosophy. Athat Ball Cwhich Dwhat



26 The government uses opinion polls to learn what people think about many social______.

Aissues Bsubjects Cquestions Dobjects


解析:issue(特别重大或大众关注的)问题;议题;争议;争端。本句中指social issues(社会问题)。其他选项都不合适。

27 Her father______nothing in her education that might make her the most accomplished (有造诣的) woman of the age.

Aomitted Bthought Cpaid Dthanked



28 Many difficulties have______ as a result of the exchange over to a new type of fuel.

Aexisted Braised Carisen Daroused



29 We moved to the front row______we could hear and see better. Aso as Bso that Cbecause Dsuch that


解析:so that合在一起引导结果状语从句,其他选项都不可以。

30 My father______me by saying that I could win in the speech contest, so I took part in it.

Adiscouraged Bencouraged Cprevented Dasked



31 While______your imagination, you should be alone and completely undisturbed.

Aexercising Bexercises Cto exercise Dexereised


解析:while引导状语从句时,若从句的主语与主句主语一致,则可省略从句的主语,若从句谓语与其主语是逻辑上的主谓关系,则谓语用现在分词形式。本句可还原为:While you exercise your imaginationyou should be alone and completely undisturbed

32 You must have said something to______ her, as she was crying after talking with you.

Adefend Boffend Cconfuse Doffer



33 The roommates should______ to clean their dormitory. Atake sides Btake turns Cgive up Dgive off

正确答案:B 解析:take turns to do sth轮流做某事;符合句意。give up放弃;give off释放,放出。

34 We will manage to______ all the debt within two years. Apay for Bgive back Cgive away Dpay off


解析:pay for付……的费用;give sthback归还某物;give away:赠送,捐赠;pay off:偿还(债务等)。故选D

35 Jack and Jane announced their ______ to their colleagues and everyone is waiting for their marriage.

Aengagement Binvestment Cappointment Darrangement



Once it was considered good to keep the car engine idling a minute or two following cold starts. Today, with modern technology, the opposite is true. An engine operating under road conditions will warm up faster and run more efficiently than the one that is idling. Idling just burns gas ( on average, about a gallon an hour). When you have a full tank of gas, park the car downhill. This will prevent any gas from coming out of the tank. Parking in areas of less or no sunlight helps prevent the gas from steaming that would occur if you parked in the hot sun. Your car will stay cooler, too, and that means less gas consuming work for the air conditioner once the engine is started. Stay away from wide-track tyres if you want top mileage (

车耗费1加仑油所行驶的路程) . Narrow-track tyres produce less friction and thus less rolling resistance. The same effect is achieved by adding three to five pounds above recommended pressure to each tyre: while this wont noticeably affect you cars sliding quality, it will increase tyre life and gas mileage. Check tyre pressure often, especially when the weather turns cold. The difference between winter and summer tyre pressure can be as much as eight pounds. This could cost you two miles per gallon.

36 The main purpose of the passage is to tell us______. Ahow to drive faster

Bhow to drive a car properly

Chow to make a car run smoothly

Dhow to make your car consume less gas

正确答案:D 解析:主旨大意题。由第一段的最后一句、第二段中的“…prevent any gas from coming out of the tank”和”…prevent the gas from steaming…”以及第三段最后总结 “…it will increase tyre life and gas mileage”等都可以看出文章提到最多的就是关于如何省油的问题,故四个选项中只有D项最符合文章的写作意图。

37 According to the passage, keeping the engine running idly______. Awill just waste gas

Bwill warm it up more quickly

Cwill make it work more efficiently Dis necessary in cold weather


解析:事实细节题。由于文章第一段最后一句“Idling just burns gas.可知本题正确答案为A

38 Parking your car in a cool place______. Awill take it longer to warm up the engine

Bmeans less gas consumption for the air conditioner Cprevents any gas from coming out of the tank Dhelps start your car more easily


解析:事实细节题。由第二段最后一句“Your car will stay coolertoo…”可知“当汽车停放在凉快处时,就会因为不需要开空调而消耗较少的油油”。故B

39 Wide-track tyres______.

Awont noticeably affect your cars sliding quality

Bcan increase tyre life

Cwill increase rolling resistance Dhelps attain top gas mileage



40 Tyre pressure changes______. Ain different weather conditions Bwhen narrow-track tyres are used Cin different road conditions Dwhen wide-track tyres are used



A major incentive (动力) for college attendance is the belief that it will prepare you for a career. Chances are that the career you want, whether in nursing, counseling, law, or management, requires a college education. Even if the return of your education isnt as great as it used to be, you would probably rather be a relatively poorly paid lawyer than a secretary or a construction worker: you would probably rather be a manager than a managee. In the sense that a degree is increasingly required for even middle-level jobs, your investment in a college education will still pay off. It can pay off in other ways too. It is a value judgement to say that a college education will make you a better person, but it is a value judgement that the vast majority of college graduates are willing to make survey after survey to demonstrate that people feel very positive about their college education, believing that it has made them better and more tolerant people. Whether it makes you a better person or not, a college education is likely to have a lasting effect on your knowledge and values. If you finish college, you will sit through 30 to 45 different courses. Even the least dedicated student is bound to learn something from these courses. In addition, students learn informally. Whether you go to college in you hometown or across the country, college will introduce you to a greater diversity of people than you re likely to have experienced before. This diversity will challenge your mind and broaden your horizons. As a result of formal and informal learning, college graduates are more knowledgeable about the world around them, more tolerant and less prejudiced, more active in public and community affairs, and, more open to new ideas.

41 It is apparent from the passage that people go to college mainly because they believe

Aa college education will provide them with a guarantee of success in life Bthe economy of their country cant absorb an army of untrained youngsters Ca college education will make them better qualified for a career Dthe investment in a college education can bring a higher economic return than before



42 We can learn from the second paragraph that______. Acollege can hardly help people become better citizens

Bmost college graduates refuse to make any comment on their college education

Ca college education may not be the best thing for everyone Dpeople consider their college education to be of great worth



43 The word dedicated (Line 3, Para. 3 ) could best be replaced by______. Ahardworking Bcompetent Cintelligent Dconservative


解析:词语理解题。第三段第三句中的Even一词点明了本句话所要表达的意思应与上文有所不同,或意思相反。前文讲到“大学教育对你的知识和价值观都有着长远的影响……”,接下来笔锋一转,说到“即使最不……的人也可以从中学到一些东西”可以推知应该是指最不努力、最不用功的人,又因前面有the least来修饰,故与dedicated的最相近的词应该是hardworking。故选A

44 According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true? AA college student can enrich his knowledge and broaden his mind through formal and informal learning.

BA college education is likely to be a required credential (文凭) for the career a person wants.

CA college student who doesnt work hard can get nothing out of the courses he takes.

DA college education tends to have long-range effects on a persons knowledge and values.



45 This passage is primarily concerned with______.

Athe change of peoples attitude toward their college education Bthe benefits of a college education

Cthe result of formal and informal learning

Dthe intercommunication among college students



For the most part, rapid economic development has been a favor. But there is a down side to developmenthealth problems such as overweight are all becoming more common, as more people take taxis to work instead of riding their bicycles, and other labour-saving devices become more popular. An increasingly fast pace of life makes it difficult for people to spend time playing sports. I know exercise is good for your health, a young lady said, But after a busy work week, the only thing I want to do is watching TV and going to sleep. That attitude may explain the results of a recent nationwide study, which suggested 15 percent of urban adults in China have heart problems. Local researchers found that 31. 2 percent of elderly respondents were getting enough exercise, but less than 9 percent of youngsters and the middle-aged got enough physical activity. Elderly people understand the importance of protecting their health. The young people, however, are busy working and use this as an excuse to avoid exercise. In fact, physical exercise doesnt require much time, money or a special gymnasium. People can make use of any time and any place at their convenience to take part in sports. Walking quickly, cycling, climbing the stairs and dancing are all helpful methods to improve ones health. The benefits of adding a little more activity to your life are priceless. There is no need to be an athlete (运动) , however, a local doctor said. People should walk for 30 minutes a day and take part in some other physical activities three to five times a week. He warns, however, that people in poor physical shape should start slowly, and build up over time.

46 By referring to rapid economic development as a favor at the beginning of the passage, the author means that______ .

Ait has benefited the general public greatly

Bit has done harm to peoples health nationwide Cit is going faster than anyone could have imagined

Dit has helped to establish a healthy lifestyle of the public



47 Rapid economic development has resulted in all the following EXCEPT______.

Aan increasing number of taxi passengers Bthe wide use of labour-saving devices Can increasing fast pace of life

Dpeoples awareness of the importance of exercise


解析:事实细节题。文章第一段最后一句中提到了“…more people take taxis…”“…labour-saving devices become more popular”故AB正确。第二段开头又提到了“an increasingly fast pace of life,故C也正确。本句中又提到了“…makes it difficult for people to spend time playing sports”可知D不正确。

48 The young people do not have enough exercise because ______. Athey dont have the time for it

Bthey are ignorant of the benefits of exercise

Cthey are too weak to participate in physical activity Dthey are short of money


解析:事实细节题。由第二段中“a young lady”的话中可以得知年轻人并非不了解运动的好处,只是因为他们没有足够的时间来运动。故选A

49 According to the passage, who need regular exercise most? AOnly young and middle-aged ladies. BUrban adults with full-time jobs.

CElderly people suffering from high blood pressure. DLocal doctors and youngsters.



50 What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

AMany people are still unable to afford the cost of physical exercises. BNobody should take part in physical activity in order to be an athlete.

CModerate physical exercise is usually enough for ordinary people.

DOld or sick people should only take part in physical exercises of the slowest type.



When he was young, Jacob Lawrence often walked more than sixty blocks from his home in the Harlem section of New York City to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Jacob wanted to be an artist, and he believed that studying the famous painting hanging in that museum would help him. The year was 1930. The depression (经济萧条) had brought hard times. As he walked through Harlem, Jacob noticed the people on the sidewalks. He looked hard at the churches, the funeral parlors and barbershops. Jacob stored those images in his mind, along with the images of paintings he saw in the museum. Jacob came from a poor family. His mother believed there was little chance that her son could grow up to be a successful painter. She wanted him to aim for something more practical. But Jacobs teacher in an after-school art program saw that the youngster was talented. Alston showed him how to use poster paints and crayons (蜡笔) to make masks and stage sets. As time passed, Alston let Jacob rent work space in his own studio. That was an exciting place for a young black man struggling to become an artist. Many creative people gathered there to talk about art and literature and history. From these conversations, Jacob learned that history books often ignored the accomplishments of African Americans. He decided to paint a series of pictures dramatizing the story of a black hero. He chose Toussaint, a slave from the Caribbean island of Haiti, who had helped free his people from French ruling. Many people admired Jacobs pictures, but he needed more than admiration. To help his family, he often had to work at jobs that took him away from painting. Then something encouraging happened. The government set up the Federal Art Project to help struggling artists survive the depression, and a sculptor (雕刻家) named Augusta got Jacob a job with the project. For eighteen months, Jacob was paid a salary to paint pictures. For the first time, he felt like a professional artist.

51 All of the following are TRUE about Jacob EXCEPT that ______.

Ahe often visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art on foot when he was young Bhe grew up in poor circumstances Che took art classes in art programs

Dhis mother loved him and supported him to become an artist




52 Walking a long distance, Jacob______. Awasted a lot of time Bfelt tired and hungry

Chad a good time sightseeing

Dgained useful experiences for his painting

正确答案:D 解析:推理判断题。由文章的前三段可知Jacob在去the Metropolitan Museum of Art途中获得了很多宝贵的经验,故选D

53 Jacob decided to paint a series of pictures dramatizing the story of a black hero because

Athe achievements of African Americans were neglected in history books Bno one had ever painted black heroes Che wanted black people to write books

Dhe was a black man from the Caribbean island of Haiti


解析:事实细节题。由第六段可知“Jacob learned that history books often ignored the accomplishment of African AmericanJacob decided to paint a series of pictures…”的原因。

54 The government set up the Federal Art Project to ______. Aprovide a chance for all creative people to display their abilities Bfinance those poor artists through depression

Coffer permanent (永久性的) jobs to talented painters and sculptors Dpay artists salary during eighteen months


解析:事实细节题。由文章最后一段第四句可知政府成立“the Federal Art Project”的目的是“help struggling artists survive the depression”故选B

55 It can be inferred from the passage that______. AJacob gained both fame and wealth from painting

BJacob could never become an artist if he did not live in Harlem CJacob often went to the barber shop to have his hair cut DJacob was a very popular black painter





Have you56asked yourself why children go to school? You will probably say that they go57languages, mathematics, history, science and58subjects. That is quite true; but why do they learn these things? And are these things59that they learn at school? We60our children to school to61them for the time62they will have to work63themselves. Nearly everything they study at school has some64use in their life, but is that the only reason65they go to school? There is66in education than just learning facts. We go to school67all to learn how to learn,68when we have69school, we can continue to learn. A man who really knows70will always be successful, because71he has to do something new which he has never had to do72, he will rapidly teach himself how to do it in the best73. The uneducated person,74, is probably unable to do something new, or does it badly. The purpose of schools, therefore, is not just to teach languages, mathematics, etc. ,75to teach pupils the way to learn.

56 Aeither Bwhether Cever Das well


解析:Have you ever?可以作为一固定句式来理解,意为“你曾经……?其他三项在此均不合适。

57 Alearn Bto learn Cand learning Dand to learn


解析:go to do sth.意为“去做某事”,故选B


Aall another Bthe other all Call the other Dthe all other


解析:很显然此处是指除了and前所提到的课程外的其他所有课程故应该是“all the other subjects”所以选C

59 Athose Bones Cevery Dall

正确答案:D 解析:句意为:“这些事情是他们在学校要掌握的所有(课程)?”可知用all来指代先行词these things

60 Asend Bpresent Cappoint Dselect


解析:send sbto do sth.意为“送某人去做某事”,根据上下文此处只能选send

61 Arely Bprepare Cmake Dget



62 Athat Bwhen Cwhile Das


解析:先行词是the time,表时间,因此要用表时间的关系副词when来引导定语从句,故选B


Afor Bon Cwith Dto



64 Atrue Bfortunate Clucky Dpractical

正确答案:D 解析:根据句意:“他们在学校里学的所有事情在他们的生活中几乎都有用处”填入此处的词只能是practical(实际的,有效的)true真的;fortunatelucky均为“幸运的”意思,都不合适。

65 Awhy Bwhich Cbecause Dwhat


解析:先行词是the only reason,表原因,只能选表原因的关系副词why故选A

66 Amuch Bmost Ca lot Dmore



67 Aabove Bover Con Din


解析:above all:最重要的是。为固定搭配。

68 Aso as Band that Cso that Dsuch that


解析:根据句意“我们去学校最重要的是学习如何学,以便当我们离开学校时我们可以继续学习”可知本空应填入表结果的副词,只有so that最合适。


Aremained Bleft Cgot out Dsent




Ahow learned Bhow to learn Cto how learn Dhow learning


解析:表示“如何学”时常用how to learn结构。故选B


Awhenever Bwhichever Cwhatever Dhowever

正确答案:A 解析:根据句意应该是“无论何时做一些新事情时……”所以要用whenever引导让步状语从句。

72 Aago

Blater Cbefore Dafter


解析:句子时态为完成时(has never)时,表“以前”时要用before,而不ago

73 Apath Bcourse Croad Dway


解析:path:路径;course:过程;road:道路;way:路,方式,方法.“以最好的方式”应表示为“in the best way


Aon another hand Bon other hand Con the other hand Din the other hand


解析:表示“另一方面”应用on the other hand,其他三项均不正确。

75 Aand Bthat Cbut Dso

正确答案:C 解析:根据句意:“学校的目的不是……,而是……”,应使用is not to…,but to结构,故选C


76 你叫王宏,将于7月份毕业。今年全国有600多万大学毕业生,加上受国际金融危机(financial crisis)的影响,国内就业形势比较严峻。到目前为止,你已经参加了多次招聘会(job fair),却未收到多少满意的答复。但是,你不会放弃,仍将继续努力,争取找到自己满意的工作请给你的父母或好友写一封信,汇报一下你目前找工作的情况。内容要积极乐观,对前途充满信心,请收信

人放心。 温馨提示:格式要符合英文信件要求;你的作文可以包括但不只限于上述内容;请勿直接将上述内容译成英语要结合自己的情况写。不要署自己的真实姓名。

正确答案:Dear my parents, I will graduate from the university in July. For one thing, there will be more than 6 million graduates all over the country this year; for another thing, a financial crisis broke out in the world, which makes it extremely difficult to find a good job. I attended lots of job fairs but I havent got my dreaming job so far. However, I wont give up. Please believe me I am confident enough to face all kinds of challenges. I also believe beautiful future belongs to me as long as I work hard. Best wishes to you!Yours dear, Wang Hong


