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The History of St. Valentine's Day
This is the day we celebrate love. Welcome to WatchMojo.com and today we’ll be learning more about Valentine’s Day.
这是人们表达爱意的节日,今天就让我们来更多地了解一下情人节吧。 Love 爱
Valentine’s Day is celebrated annually on February 14th. On this day, people exchange greeting cards and presents in the name of love and Saint Valentine, which is why it is also known as St. Valentine’s Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine.
每年2月14日都要庆祝情人节。这一天,人们互换祝福卡片和礼物, Christian Traditions 基督教传统
In the Christian tradition, there were several martyred saints with the name Valentine or Valentinus. According to legend, one of these Valentines was a priest who went against the orders of Roman Emperor Claudius II by conducting marriages between soldiers and their loved ones. These actions ultimately led to his execution.
在基督教传统中,有好几个殉道的圣人都叫Valentine或Valentinus这个名字。据传,其中的一人反抗罗马皇帝克劳迪乌斯二世(Claudius II)禁止士兵结婚的命令,最终被处决。 Saint Valentine 圣 瓦伦丁
However, before being put to death, Saint Valentine cured his jailer’s daughter from
blindness and fell in love with her. His last communication with her was a letter signed “from your Valentine,” and this marked the very first Valentine greeting.
然而,在行刑前,圣 瓦伦丁让狱卒失明的女儿重见光明,两人坠入爱河。他最后给他的爱人写了一封信,署名为“你的圣 瓦伦丁”,这标志着首个情人节祝福的诞生。 First Saint Valentine’s Day 首个情人节
To honor him, Pope Galasius I made February 14th Saint Valentine’s Day in 496 AD. Some believe the choice of this particular date was an effort by the Christians to curb the celebration of a pagan fertility festival called Lupercalia. Taking place between the 13th and 15th of the month, the festival honored a Roman god and the founders of Rome through rituals of sacrifice and feasting.
为了纪念他,教皇Galasius I在公元496年将2月14日定为圣 瓦伦丁节。有人认为基督徒选择这一特殊日子是为了抵消一项名为Lupercalia的异教徒性文化节的影响。该节日庆祝时间在2月13到15日之间,通过多种献祭和盛宴仪式来纪念罗马神话中的一位神及罗马的创建者。 February 14th 2月14日
The association of romantic love with Valentine’s Day did not actually emerge until the Middle Ages, when a poem by Englishman Geoffrey Chaucer linked February 14th with the start of the mating period for birds.
实际上将浪漫爱情同圣 瓦伦丁节联系起来还要等到中世纪。当时的英国诗人杰弗里·乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer)所作的一首诗将2月14日这一天同鸟儿的繁殖初期联系起来。
Exchanging Cards 互换卡片
As Valentine’s Day earned more literary mentions, it grew in popularity over the centuries. People soon adopted the tradition of exchanging romantic handwritten notes with one another. Then, in the 1800s, a woman named Esther Howland became inspired by the fancy and intricate cards being made in England. By spearheading the mass production of similar cards in the United States, she became known as “The Mother of the American Valentine.”
随着情人节出现在文学作品中的次数不断增多,该节日在几个世纪里逐渐流行起来。人们很快接受了互换浪漫手写卡片的传统。19世纪时,一位名叫Esther Howland的女士开始受到英格兰制造的精美卡片的启发。由于在美国倡导大规模生产类似卡片,她被称作“美国情人节之母”。