
2022-09-28 09:08:15   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《名词的使用-高考英语二轮复习学案(无答案)》,欢迎阅读!


一、 名词

(一) 名词的分类




集体名词 普通名词



物质名词 U

专有名词 China, the Great Wall, the United States

1 个体名词:指单个人或者事物的名词。例如:bookperson pencil dog chair bike 等。 2 集体名词:一群人或者一些事物的总称。例如:people family police class group team 等。 3 物质名词:表构成物体的物质或材料。例如:woodstonewaterpaperairwoolsteel等。 4 抽象名词:knowledge danger health life homework等。 二、名词复数的变化

1.一般情况下,直接+S 例如:student--__________ cake--__________ apple--___________ 2. sxshch结尾,直接+es 例如:bus--________ box--________ watch---_________ dish--_________ 但如果以 ch 结尾的名词发音为 [k]时,只加 s stomach stomachs ( /s/ )

3. 以辅音字母加y结尾, y 改为I 再加es 例如:baby________ city________ lady_______ 4. 元音字母加y结尾,直接加s 例如:toy______ monkey________

5. ffe结尾的词,把ffe改为v,再加es /vz/ half--_______ knife--________ leaf--_______ wolf--_________ life--_________ thief--_________

1)特殊:chief首领 gulf 港湾 cliff悬崖 roof屋顶 safe 保险箱 直接加s 2 直接加s或者把ffe改为v再加es均可:handkerchief(餐巾纸) -- handkerchiefs / handkerchieves hoof(蹄)-hoofs/hooves 一个negro(黑人)爱吃potato种了

有生命的加es tomato是个hero

6. 1)以辅音字母加O结尾 volcano---volcanoes (火山) pianophotokilotabacco(烟叶)


2)以元音字母+o结尾, s/z/ radio-radios bamboo--bamboos zoo--zoos kangaroo--kangaroos 7. oo改为ee: foot _______ tooth ________ goose-_________ 8.单复同形:Chinese, fish (鱼肉), sheep, deer, Japanese, means(手段、方法)

另外,还有度量衡、货币等单位的名词。 Eg: yuan, jiao, fen, jin, mu(亩)

9.不规则变化 ox-oxen(公牛)child children mouse mice louse-lice(虱子)man men men doctors woman women women teachers ( girl/boy students)


a Chinese--two __________; a Japanese--three ___________; a Frenchmanten ______________

an Englishman several ___________ ; a German----two _____________ ; an American-- two ___________; 11. 复合名词复数情况 原则:有中心词的将中心词变为复数,没有名词的将最后的词变为复数: looker-on--______________(旁观者) son-in-law--___________(女婿) editor in chief--___________ a passer by--___________(过路人) forget-me-not--___________(勿忘草) grown-up-- _____________(成年人) go between--______________(中间人) 12. 集体名词:集体名词不能用具体的数字修饰,只能在前the表示“全体” the police the English the French the family

13. 有些词只有复数形式,没有单数形式:trousers, clothes, shorts(短裤), goods, glassescompasses (圆规) 14. 有些外来词的不规则复数形式:



15. 有些名词的复数形式可以表示特别的意义。 rains 雨季)sands 沙滩) snows (积雪)waters (海域、水域) works作品) woods(森林) arms武器 times (时代) manners (礼貌) remains (遗物、遗体) papers(报纸) drinks(饮料) 16. s结尾复数形式出现,仍为单数的名词

(1) mathsphysics学科名词,不可数名词作单数。(2) news 为不可数名词,只能说a piece of news.

(3) 国名:the United Statesthe United Nations 为单数(4) 以复数形式出现的书名,报纸名等也视为单数。 17.当名词以连字符连接时, 名词一般保留单数形式:

two-dozen eggs, one hundred, two hundred, a ten-mile walk, a five-year plan, an eight-year-old boy

18.不可数名词:moneymilkbreadwaterpaperjuicewoodworkpeopleadvicehairfruittimeworknewsluckfun(有趣的事)homeworkadviceharmprogressinformationweatherwealthfurnitureluggagebaggage(行李) etc.

例如an advice(×) a news(×) 可在前加数量词,如 a bottle of water, a piece of good news, a piece of advice


a cup oftea)一杯茶a pair of glasses 一副眼镜 a head of cattle 一头牛a piece of news(一则新闻) a bowl of soup 一碗汤 a block of ice 一块冰块 a glass of juice 一杯果汁a bottle of jam 一瓶果酱 a lot of work a set of furniture一套家具

20. 只能修饰可数名词的有each, either, neither, another, these, those, both, several, many, a great /good many, a large number of, scores of, dozens of等。

2. 只能修饰不可数的有(a) little, much, a bit of, a great deal of, a large amount of等。

3. 既可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词的有some, any, half, most, all, a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a large quantity of, quantities of等。 21.专有名词Proper Nouns指人名、地名及某些人和事物专有的名称。Diana; Beijing; Americans; English; May; New Year’s Day Chengbi Lake 注意:专有名词的第一个字母要大写


1. 名词的后面直接加s Toms guitar my fahters wish Wang Qiangs


2. 词尾是以s结尾的复数是,只要加 birds nests my parents wishes Teachers Day

3. AB的所属问题 John and Marys room Johns and Marys rooms 4. 表示节日Childrens Day 6-1 April Fools Day 4-1 Womens Day 5.表示时间、距离、国家、城市, 在词尾加s an hours drivetwo weeks timeten tons weight400 meters’ distancefive minutes walktwo days holiday 6.表示店铺、医院、住宅及公共建筑时,名词所有格后常常省略被修饰的名词

at the doctors (office) at Tims (home) at the Greens (home) at the tailors (shop)

7. of 的所有格 of+名词” the top of the hill the environment of the city the life of the poor 8of+ a friend of my father’s a friend of Georges several friends of mine/hers/his/theirs/ours

He is a friend of my fathers(父亲不止他一个朋友)He is a friend of my father. (他是我父亲的唯一个朋友) 三、固定搭配中名词的形式

make friends with, burst into tears, in high spirits, keep in touch, out of question, out of sight, in detail 四、名词的构词法(词性转换)

() work--___________ assist--_________ act--__________ direct--_________ America--__________ China--___________ host--__________ employ--__________ art--________ lie--______________ (行为、状态等 )agree--___________ act--___________ arrive--____________ free--______________ able--_________ kind--___________ warm--__________ solve--____________ tend--_____________ private--________ fail--____________ important--______________ marry--______________


名词 单句改错

1. Generally speak, I have a good life, but I tend to have days of sadnesses. 2. I was very embarrassed that I burst into tear. 3. I neednt search all the shelf there every time.

4. I use the library online catalogue system to search for the book. 5. In my surprise, two fire engine were outside my house.

6. In my opinions, the cooking course is beneficial but enjoyable.

7. My father created much fun games for my younger brother or me to play together. 8. The key is to speak clearly and if you make mistake, ignore it .

9. So-called daka zu can be found roaming Chongqing and other city.

10. I was lost in happy because I did a little for a stranger and I gained a lot. 11. I went to visit my English teacher, who was already in his fifty.

12. Pippy, the pig she and her husband had adopted a few month before the accident, was a great comfort to her. 13. The cards are hard to throw away because of those sweet message on them. 14. Up to now, I have finished its three chapter.

15. I make dumplings most frequent because of three reason. 16. He made up his minds to make a change.

17. Once again, Im sorry for any inconvenient caused. 18. Their favorite toy were blocks.

19. Now he is training regularly every week and making progresses radpidly. 20. One of the tour guide told us that it gets hotter as 50ºC every summer. 填空

1. Unfortunately, sea tuitles around the world are being endangered by ___________ (pollute), climate changes and human carelessness.

2. Many doctors and __________ (researcher) agree that you should limit smartphone use to no more than three hours per day.

3. Take ______ break every 15 minutes is also a smart _________ (decide).

4. The bookshops has always attached great __________ (important) to Chinese books.

5. Chinese publishing is now among the leading publishing _________ (nation) of the world. 6. But there is no record of the _______ (book) being returned. 7. Most rides last from thirthy ________ (minute) to an hour. 8. Not all visitors are __________ (interest) in a tiring hike.

9. The main reason was Hongyadongs sudden ______________ (popular) on a social-media app, Douyin. 10. Zhong was appointed to lead the _______________ (investigate) into the new virus.

11. The change can be bad ,such as a(an) _________ (ill), or a failure. Sometimes stress is quite ___________ (health). 12. The muscles in your upper arm are good __________ (example) of this. 13. For young _________ (child) and old people, e-cards are not proper. 14. He looked through a few _________ (thing).

15. In about 20 minutes we witnessed in __________ (excite) how a fisherman fished.

16. Several scientists have asked for his _________ (permit) to include one of his cartoons in a(n) __________(present) or a paper. 17. It will __________ (absolute) help to improve efficiency and effectiveness in conversation and ___________ (manage) of the animals.

18. Few than 2000 pandas live in the wild, mostly live in the __________ (province) of Sichuan and Shaanxi. 19. The ___________ (apply)of bamboo in science and technology is thrilling.

20. They think that a prestigious university does bring many ___________ (benefit).


