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Vince:That's it! I've had it with Daniel defying me at every turn.
I want him to follow in my footsteps and study law, but he wants to be an artist.
我想让他随我学习法律,但他想当个艺术家。 He dates girls I don't approve of. 还有他约会的是我不认同的女孩。
But this! This is beyond the bounds of what I'll tolerate. 但这!这已经超出了我容忍的范围。
Alana:I know you're upset, but don't do anything rash. 阿拉娜:我知道你很难过,但做事别那么莽撞。 继承遗产.jpg
I'm sure Daniel didn't mean what he said. 我确信丹尼尔想表达的不是他所说的意思。 Vince:Oh, he meant it. That's it! 文森:哦,还不是。就是那个意思! I'm disowning and disinheriting him. 我要跟他断绝关系,剥夺他的遗产继承权。
Alana:I'm sure you don't mean that. You both spoke in anger.
阿拉娜:我肯定你不是这个意思。你们俩人都说的是气话。 I'm sure a cooling-off period of a few days will change his mind.
Vince:It'll be too late. I'm cutting him out of my will tomorrow.
I have other descendants who'll appreciate inheriting my money and property.
Alana:But Daniel is your rightful heir. He's your only child.
Vince:Then he should have known how his hateful words would hurt me.
文森:那他应该知道他的恶毒语言已经伤害了我。 Alana:What did he say exactly? 阿拉娜:他怎么说?
Vince:He said he has become a San Francisco Giants fan. A Giants fan!
Alana:That's it? 阿拉娜:那怎么样?
Vince:That's it?! He's wounded me to the core! 文森:怎样? !他伤到我心了!