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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《英语必修四第一单元题》,欢迎阅读!
必修四Unit One Women Of Achievement


荫; 阴凉处(vt.) 遮住光线 2_________(adj.) 值得的; 值得做的 3_________(n.) 童年; 幼年时代 4___________(adj.) 直言的; 坦诚

5__________(vt.)&(n.) 尊敬; 尊重; 敬意 6__________(n.)&(vt.) 支持; 拥护 7_________(n.) 突发事件; 紧急情况

8 (vt.) 递送; (小孩儿); 接生; 发表(演说等)

9 (n.)成就; 功绩 (vt.)取得; 实现

10 (n.)连接; 关系 (vt.)联系 (adj.)有联系的 11 (n.)组织; 机构; 团体 (vt.)组织

12 (vt.)&(vi.)举动; (举止或行为)表现 (n.)行为; 举止; 习性 13 (vt.)观察; 观测; 遵守 (n.)观察; 观测

14 (vt.)&(vi.)讨论; 辩论; 争论 (n.)争论; 争辩; 争吵 15 (n.)人群; 观众 (vt.)挤满; 使拥挤 (adj.)拥挤的 16 (vi.)谈到; 查阅; 参考 (n.)查阅; 参考 17 (vt.)鼓舞; 激发; 启示 (n.)灵感; 鼓舞 18 (vt.)计划 打算 (n.)目的; 意图

19 (adj.)考虑周到的 (vt.)考虑; 认为 (n.)考虑; 体谅 20 (adj.)谦虚的; 谦让的; 适度的 (n.)谦逊; 稳重; 质朴

21 (v.)使欢乐; 款待 (n.)款待; 娱乐 娱乐表演 (adj.)愉快的; 有趣


1The child so well in class that the teacher praised his good in front of others.(behave)

2There was a heated about whether he was suitable for the position, and most of the people for him.(argue)

3The went directly to the accident scene, and the spot was with people.(crowd)

4I hold the firm belief that you are bound to your dream of being admitted to a key university, which will give you a wonderful sense of .(achieve)

5The rich man went abroad with the of trying his fortune, while the poor man to learn some skills of earning money.(intend)

1 献身于„„ 专心于„„

2 离开; 起程; 出发 3 过着„„的生活

4 (想法、 问题等)涌上心头; 涌入脑海 5 蔑视; 瞧不起

6 查阅; 参考; 谈到 7 碰巧; 凑巧

8 (偶然)遇见; 碰见 9 .. 专为„„设计 专供„„而用

10 继续; 坚持


The other day I 1. an old friend of mine when I was going to the library to 2. some books.He told

me he had read a book 3. whose hero 4. women.In fact, many women have made great contributions to our society.As far as I’m concerned, women can hold up half of the sky; therefore, we should show respect for them in our daily life.


Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project. 【仿写】 (1)只有相互理解和相互学习 我们才能快乐地度过这些日子。 (2)只有用这种方式才能解决问题。 2once引导条件状语从句, 意为一旦

Once I stop, it all comes crowding in and I remember the chimps in laboratories.

【仿写】 (1)一旦学会了利用失败, 那么失败就能为你的生活起到积极的作用。

(2)一旦我们有共同的兴趣, 友谊开始形成了

3.It hit(s) me+从句结构, 意思是我突然想到„„” it在句中作形式主语。 类似的结构还有: It occurs to sb.that... (某人)突然想到„„ It strikes sb.that... (某人)突然想到„„ It happens that... 碰巧„„

It hit me all of a sudden that I had forgotten her birthday. 我突然想起, 我把她的生日给忘了。

It happened that they spent their childhood in the same village.碰巧他们的童年是在同一个村子度过的。



(1)After hospital life for a week_________________________________________________. (2)After hospital life for a week__________________________________________________. (3)After hospital life for a week__________________________________________________..

4强调句(It is...that...)

Further reading made me realize that it was hard work and determination as well as her gentle nature that got her into medical school.

【仿写】 昨天就是在街道上我遇见了她。

阅读下面课文缩写材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Jane Goodall had wanted to work with animals in their own environment 1.____she was a child.But this was not easy.2.______she first arrived in Combe in 1960, it was unusual for a woman to live in the forest.However, 3.______the help of her mother, she began her work with the chimps, which changed the way 4.________ people think about chimps.Spending years observing and recording their daily 5.________(active), Jane discovered that chimps hunt and eat meat, against 6._______ people used to think.She also discovered how chimps communicate with each other.7.________work) with the chimps for years, Jane has argued that wild animals should 8._______ (leave) in the wild and not used for 9._________(entertain) or advertisements.She has achieved everything she wanted to do, but more 10._________(importance), she has got the world to understand and respect the lives of chimps.



1Every possible means ______________(use) to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear. 2I have finished a large part of the novel written by Dickens, the rest of which____(be) very difficult.

3Large quantities of information as well as some timely help ____________(offer)since the organization was built. 4Asia, as well as other continents, _______(have) very rich natural resources. 5Neither my parents nor Lily ______going to the party.


1____________ students decide which college to go to, they should research the admission procedures(入学手续) 2Why not ____________(form) the habit of exercising to keep fit?

3Poor and lazy, he is always ____________(look) down upon by others.

4If you carry ____________ working like that, you’ll break down sooner or later. 5He has made up his mind to intend his son ____________(manage) the company. 6Their____________(behave) towards me shows that they do not like me.

7We’d better take time and money into ____________(consider) when making the plan.

8Greatly ____________ (inspire) by the teacher’s words, I have made up my mind not to give up my goal.

9Do you want to get this book ____________(deliver) to your house or would you prefer to come to the shop for it yourself?

10He has decided to get a look at the house and see if it might be worthwhile ____________(buy) it. 单句改错

1It is considerate for you not to make any noise while the others are having a rest. 2The young girl devotes all her spare time to study English.

3He hates to be looked down, so we treat him as our honored guest. 4But it was not her success at university made her famous.

5A crowd of children was passing my house, singing and laughing. 6Tom came late for the meeting. That was why he was ill. 完成句子

1She ________________________(偶然遇到一位朋友) of hers yesterday while she was shopping at the department store.

2Only when I left my parents for Italy ________________(我才意识到) how much I loved them.

3First, ________________(他们主张) the main reason why students go to school is to learn more subjects and skills. 4The headmaster will ________________(发表演说) to the visiting foreign guests this afternoon.

5The meal over, the managers went back to the meeting room to ________________________(继续他们的讨论) 【写作素材】 根据要求运用本单元所学知识完成下面小作文 并背诵成文。

1.据我所知, 他是一个有成就的人 他的一生都奉献给了无家可归的儿童, 他的行为赢得了所有人的尊重(a man of great achievements; respect)

2.他坚信照顾孩子是平凡的工作 但是你不要瞧不起平凡的工作(look down upon/on) 3一旦开始做一件事情, 你就必须坚持下去, 否则你将一事无成。(once; carry on)

4.只有当你老了回首往事时你能够说你已经全力以赴, 你才会对你的一生感到满足 (be content with) 【连句成篇】 (将以上句子连成一篇英语短文)



1It was foolish of him to refer____________his notes during the test, and as a result, he got punished. 2I meant ____________(help) you with your homework but father didn’t permit me to.

3On his way to the airport, ____________hit him all of a sudden that he had forgotten his passport. 4I____________(intend) to take a holiday last year, but I wasn’t able to get away.

5What____________(inspire) news it is that my father will take me to Wuhan Happy Valley this weekend, which has been open to the public since April 29, 2012!

6A poet and artist____________coming to speak to us about Chinese literature and painting tomorrow afternoon. 7Is there any news for the missing boy?

Yes, he was observed____________(play) computer games at 8 o’clock yesterday.

8It is no use____________(argue) with her over the matter.She is quite stubborn and will never change her mind. 9With our teacher ____________(support) us, we feel quite encouraged.

10The children will not be allowed to go to the supermarket if they don’t ____________(behaviour) themselves. .阅读理解

(2016·福州质量检测)The 2014 Nobel Prize in Literature went to the French novelist “for the art of memory” with which he has uncovered the life-world of the occupation”.

Although the 69-year-old writer is a very popular literary figure in France, he is little known elsewhere.

So who is this Patrick Modiano, why does his memory have such an influence upon him, and what exactly has he uncovered?

Modiano was born in a suburb of Paris right after World War ended in Europe in July 1945. His father was a Jewish-Italian businessman who met his Belgian actress mother during the Nazi occupation of Paris.

As The New Yorker magazine put it, Europeans born in 1945 share a conditionThey escaped the war, but not the taint(污点) of the war”.

Modiano’s life has been influenced by Nazi Germany’s occupation during the war, and his family’s connections to it. According to New York-based newspaper Forward, his father survived the war dishonorably. When Paris’ Jews were

brought together to be sent to concentration camps, the businessman did not join them but spent the time making money from deals with Nazis on the black market.

The novelist has a duty to record the lives of the people who have disappeared, the people who were made to disappear,” French writer Clemence Boulouque, also an expert in Jewish studies, told The New Yorker magazine.

In his more than three dozen novels, Modiano has returned again and again to the same themes: Jewishness, the Nazi occupation, and loss of identity. His characters collect pieces of old evidence, handwriting, photographs, police files, and newspaper cuttings.

His most admired novel, Missing Person, is a good example. It’s the story about a detective who has lost his memory. He tries to find out who he really is by following his own steps through history.

Although Modiano’s win is a surprise outside France, people are celebrating in his home country. Modiano is the 15th French literature winner. After Le Clezio’s 2008 win, it seemed unlikely that there would be another so soon. 1The passage is mainly about________. Aa literary figure’s personal affairs

Ba famous novelist’s family background

Ca Nobel Prize winner and his literary achievement DEuropean people’s sufferings during World War

2Which of the following statements about Patrick Modiano is TRUE according to the passage? AHe is a survivor of World War . BHe tried to find back his lost identity. CWorld War has an impact on his life. DHe was world-famous before winning the Nobel Prize.

3Modiano won the Nobel Prize because of________. Ahis extraordinary character

Bhis unique way of recording history Chis characters’ unusual experiences Dhis special connections to the war

4It can be inferred from the passage that________.

AModiano’s parents were sent to the concentration camp

BModiano’s winning the Prize was beyond expectation CModiano’s father had nothing to do with the Nazis DClemence Boulouque is also of Jewish origin t .语法填空 (2016·西)To many people, video gaming is their hobby. Have you ever been so 1.____________(absorb) in a video game as to forget sleep and mealsComputer game 2.____________(design) often create interesting video games to tempt players to keep playing. These days, many employees play video games at work even 3.____________their employers have set rules to stop them from doing so. As a matter of fact, video game addiction is regarded as harmful, just like addiction 4.____________drugs, alcohol, or gambling, and should be treated with care.

In the place 5.____________people work, addicted players are often seen as lazy, not sick; their bosses are not sympathetic to their addiction. If they have been caught several times 6.____________(play) video games at work, their salary may be cut, and even 7.____________(bad), they may lose their jobs. In some companies, the addicted players 8.____________(allow) to play video games only on stressful days, but their bosses will check their computers from time to time to make sure 9.____________they are doing their work. However, while some companies continue to find some methods of preventing workday playing, addicted players still have 10.____________(they) own ways to enjoy playing video games during working hours.


Audrey Hepburn (奥黛丽·赫本) won an Academy Award as Best Actress for her first major American movie, Roman Holiday, which was released in 1953. But she is remembered as much for her aid work as for her acting.

Born in Belgium in 1929, Audrey's father was British and her mother was Dutch. Audrey was sent to live at a British school for part of her childhood. During World War Ⅱ, she lived and studied in the Netherlands. Her mother thought it would be safe from German attacks. Audrey studied dance as a teenager and during college. But when she returned to London after the war she realized she wasn't going to be a ballerina (芭蕾舞女演员). So she began taking acting parts in stage shows. Later she began to get small parts in movies.

But it was Audrey Hepburn's move to America in 1950s that brought her true fame. In 1951 she played the character “Gigi” in the Broadway play of the same name and received great critical praise. Two years later, Roman Holiday made her a star at the age of 24.

Audrey made more than 25 movies. Among her roles, the most popular one was Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany's in 1961. Three years later she played Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady.

She was married two times and had one child with each husband. In 1989, the UN Children's Fund named Audrey a goodwill ambassador. She travelled all over the world in support of UNICEF (联合国儿童基金会) projects. The UN agency said she was a tireless worker. She often gave 15 interviews a day to gain money and support for UNICEF projects.

Audrey Hepburn often said her loyalty to UNICEF was the result of her experiences as a child during World War . She said she knew what it was like to be starving and to be saved by international aid. She was a goodwill ambassador until her death in 1993 from colon cancer.

1. The reason why Audrey lived and studied in the Netherlands was that________. Ashe wanted to be a ballerina Bher parents were from Britain Cit was safe there

Dthe education there was excellent

2. We can know from the passage that________.

AAudrey's parents lived in Germany during World War BAudrey went to America in the 1950s CAudrey was made to give up dancing

D. the character “Gigi” in the Broadway play was her most popular role 3________ is NOT mentioned in the passage about Audrey Hepburn. AMarriage BIdentity CContribution DReligion 4________ is the right order for Audrey's life. The first time she began to paly in movies. She returned to London from the Netherlands. She won an Academy Award as Best Actress.

She travelled all over the world in support of UNICEF projects. She played a part in My Fair Lady. A.②①③⑤④ B.①②③⑤④ C.②①⑤③④ D.①②⑤③④ 任务型阅读

Expressions about water are almost as common as water. __5__

The expression “to be in hot water” is one of them. It is a very old expression. “Hot water” was used five hundred years ago to mean being in trouble. One story says it got that meaning from the custom of extremely throwing hot water down on enemies attacking a castle.

When we are in “Hot water” , we are in trouble. __6__ A young boy can be in hot water with his mother, if he comes into the house with dirty shoes.

“To keep your head above water” is a colorful expression that means staying out of debt. A company seeks to keep its head above water during economic hard times. A man who loses his job tries to keep his head above water until he finds a new job.

Another common expression, “to hold water” is about the strength or weakness of an idea or opinion that you may be arguing about. If it can hold water, it is strong and has no holes in it. If your argument can hold water, __7__ If it does not hold water, __8__

“Throwing cold water” also is an expression that deals with ideas or proposals.__9__ For example, you want to buy a new car because the old one has some problems. But your wife “throws cold water” on the idea, because she says a new car costs too much.

ABut many of the expressions using water have unpleasant meanings. BYou are in a difficult position.

CA person who breaks a law can be in hot water with the police. DIt means disliking an idea.

Eit is strong and does not have any holes.

FA man who loses his job tries to keep his head above water until he finds a new job. Gthen it is weak and not worth debating.


During the weekend I traveled by air the first time in my life. I generally travel by train and bus. It is both cheaper and safe. But this was a short journey. In the beginning I did not feel very happily, but this feeling did not last longer. The journey was very exciting. I was soon high up in the sky among the cloud. The views of mountains, fields and rivers were interested. I enjoy my short and comfortable journey very much. This experience has shown that traveling in air is actually the safest way of make journeys.

