
2022-09-16 11:00:17   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《[最经典优美的英文诗]适合女生朗诵的英文诗》,欢迎阅读!


最经典优美的英文诗 最经典优美的英文诗歌篇一 Freedom 《自由》 Freedom from fear is the freedom I claim for you my motherland! ! Freedom from the burden of the ages, bending your head, breaking your back, blinding your eyes to the beckoning call of the future; 不顾年龄的限制, 弯下你的头, 折断你的背, 望穿了你的眼睛, 呼唤着令人心动的将来;

Freedom from the shackles of slumber wherewith you fasten yourself in night“s stillness, mistrusting the star that speaks of truth“s adventurous paths;

撬开那把自己捆绑在黑夜寂静中而麻木不堪的脚镣手铐, 不相信明星为你所指引的 充满艰险的真理道路;

freedom from the anarchy of destiny whole sails are weakly yielded to the blind uncertain winds, and the helm to a hand ever rigid and cold as death. 不去听从无序命运的摆布, 整个航程无力地屈从于盲目不确定的风向, 手里的驾驶盘永远像死亡那样僵硬、冰冷。 Freedom from the insult of dwelling in a puppet"s world, where movements are started through brainless wires, repeated through mindless habits, Where figures wait with patience and obedience for themaster of show, to be stirred into a mimicry of life. 摆脱驻留在傀儡世界里所受到的屈辱, 无头脑的电线已经开始了运作, 反复地通过不动脑筋的习惯动作, 人物正在耐心和顺从地等待着主人的炫耀, 他们将被纠缠进伪装的生活。

最经典优美的英文诗歌篇二 Be A Friend 作为一个朋友 Be a friend. You don"t need money;Just a disposition sunny;

Just the wish to help another Get along some way or other; Just a kindly hand extended Out to one who"s unbefriended; Just the will to give or lend, This will make you someone"s friend. 作为一个朋友,你不需要金钱财产; 只要你有着性情上的温暖阳光; 只要你有于乐于助人愿望。 要以各种方式与人融洽相处; 只是需要你伸出体贴温柔的臂膀。

对于那些寡朋少友的人们, 仅仅需要你有赠与和借出的愿望。 这种愿望会使你成为某些人的知心友朋。

Be a friend. You don"t need glory. Friendship is a simple story. Pass by trifling errors blindly, Gaze on honest effort kindly, Cheer the youth who"s bravely trying, Pity him who"s sadly sighing;

Just a little labor spend On the duties of a friend.作为一个朋友,你不需要荣誉和赞扬。

友谊只是一个简单朴实的过程, 放过因轻率所犯下的微小差错。 亲切地注意切切实实所尽的力量。

愉快地欢迎年轻人勇敢的尝试, 同情怜悯某些人哀伤的悲叹。 为了尽朋友应该负起的责任, 苦口婆心把工夫花在他们身上。 Be a friend. The pay is bigger (Though not written by a figure) Than is earned by people clever In what"s merely self-endeavor. You"ll have friends instead of neighbors For the profits of your labors; You"ll be richer in the end Than a prince, if you"re a friend. 作为一个朋友,赋给要多于他们从 更聪明人那里所取得的补偿。 在那只有自我奋斗的地方, 有了朋友就可以替代左邻右坊。 由于你所花功夫所获得的好处, 最终你将成为更富有的人在这世界上。比得过当上王子,假如作为一个朋友你称得上。

最经典优美的英文诗歌篇三 Snow Is Falling 雪在下 Snow is falling From the sky above Snow is falling Put on scarf and glove

在下 从高空飘落 雪在下 围好围巾,戴上手套 Snow is falling Go look outside Snow is falling The old landscape it hide 雪在下 去外面看看 雪在下 掩埋了旧景 Snow is falling What a beautiful sight Snow is fallingIt sparkles in the light 雪在下 多么美丽的一幕 雪在下 光芒闪耀 Snow is falling Soft cotton wool flakes Snow is falling A white blanket it makes 雪在下 雪花柔软似棉花,羊毛 织就白色的地毯 Snow is falling Short flowers disappear Snow is falling The cold is here 雪在下 短暂的花朵消失 雪在下 带来寒冷 Snow is falling Its time to play Snow is fallingLets make snowmen today 雪在下 去玩吧 雪在 今天我们来堆雪人

