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Unit8 Let us act参考教案

教学目标: 知识与技能目标:

1. 掌握单词:slide, swing, doll 2.复习祈使句。 过程与方法目标:


2.运用小组讨论法,使学生通过小组讨论学习,掌握本课对话。 情感态度与价值观目标:


2.使学生有正确的英语学习的动机,明确英语学习的目的,更好的沟通表达。 教学重点与难点

会用祈使句发出口令。 教学准备:

挂图,单词卡片,录音机 教学过程: 一、组织教学

Sing an English song. 二、复习导入:

通过口令复习,引入新课,激发学生兴趣。 1Say“open your book” and “Close your Book” .Let students follow your instructions. Then say “Pick up your book” and do the action so that students understand the meaning of “pick up”.

2Say “put up your book” and ask students to follow your instruction. Then say “put it

down”. Students have learnt this command so they should be able to perform the action.

3Say “Go to the door” and walk towards the door of the classroom. Say “Go to the

window“ and “walk towards the window”. Repeat several times.


1. 教师拿挂图让学生描述场景,引出游乐场。老师说:Let’s go to the playground.

问学生在游乐场里喜欢玩什么?引出slideswing,运用到句子中Go to the slide. Go to the swing.

2. 用洋娃娃引出doll,老师故意把洋娃娃掉到地上,说:“Pick up the doll. Put it

down . Thank you!”

3Put up a paper cut-out of Sam’s brother on a bicycle. Move it closer to the slide as

you say “Go to the slide”. Let students repeat.

4. Open the student’s Book to page 37.Play the cassette tape to practice pronunciation. 5. Have individual students come up. Ask them to move the correct paper cut-outs according to your commands. 、巩固操练:

1Divide the class into pairs. Practise giving and doing the commands “pick up…” and “put it down”, substituting with other classroom objects.

2Ss listen and do the teacher’s action. 个别操练和整体操练相结合,师生间互相交流,提问,使之更快,更好的学习,掌握。 3Ss open the book and listen to the tape practice. 五、小结、作业:

复习本课句型并听音跟读。 六、板书设计

Lets act:

Go to the slide. Pick up the doll.


