
2023-04-26 07:03:10   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《利润表中英文对照版【会计实务经验之谈】》,欢迎阅读!


一、主营业务收入 Revenue

减:主营业务成本 Less: Cost of Sales 主营业务税金及附加 Sales Tax

二、主营业务利润(亏损以“—”填列) Gross Profit ( - means loss) 加:其他业务收入 Add: Other operating income 减:其他业务支出 Less: Other operating expense 减:营业费用 Selling & Distribution expense 管理费用 G&A expense 财务费用 Finance expense

三、营业利润(亏损以“—”填列) Profit from operation ( - means loss) 加:投资收益(亏损以“—”填列) Add: Investment income 补贴收入 Subsidy Income

营业外收入 Non-operating income

减:营业外支出 Less: Non-operating expense

四、利润总额(亏损总额以“—”填列) Profit before Tax 减:所得税 Less: Income tax 少数股东损益 Minority interest

加:未确认投资损失 Add: Unrealised investment losses小编寄语:不要指望一张证书就能使你走向人生巅峰。考试只是检测知识掌握的一个手段,不是目的。千万不要再考试通过之后,放学习。财务人员需要学习的有很多,人际沟通,实务经验excel等等等等,都要学,都要积累。要正确看待考证,证考出来,可以在工作上助你一臂之力,但是绝对不是说有了证,就有了一切。有证书知识比别人多了一个选择。会计学的学习,必须力求总结应用相关技巧,使之更加便于理解和掌握。学习时应充分利用知识的关联性,通过分析实质,找出核心要点。


五、净利润(净亏损以“—”填列) Net profit ( - means loss) 加:年初未分配利润 Add: Retained profits 其他转入 Other transfer-in

六、可供分配的利润 Profit available for distribution( - means loss) 减:提取法定盈余公积 Less: Appropriation of statutory surplus reserves 提取法定公益金 Appropriation of statutory welfare fund

提取职工奖励及福利基金 Appropriation of staff incentive and welfare fund 提取储备基金 Appropriation of reserve fund

提取企业发展基金 Appropriation of enterprise expansion fund 利润归还投资 Capital redemption

七、可供投资者分配的利润 Profit available for owners distribution 减:应付优先股股利 Less: Appropriation of preference shares dividend 提取任意盈余公积 Appropriation of discretionary surplus reserve 应付普通股股利 Appropriation of ordinary shares dividend

转作资本(或股本)的普通股股利 Transfer from ordinary shares dividend to paid in capital 八、未分配利润 Retained profit after appropriation 补充资料 Supplementary Information:

1. 出售、处置部门或被投资单位收益 Gains on disposal of operating divisions or investments

2. 自然灾害发生损失 Losses from natural disaster

3. 会计政策变更增加(或减少)利润总额 Increase (decrease) in profit due to changes in accounting policies

4. 会计估计变更增加(或减少)利润总额 Increase (decrease) in profit due to changes in accounting estimates

5. 债务重组损失 Losses from debt restructuring

