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1.Be 100% open 完全推心置腹 A:I will talk to Lisa on the relocation .
B:My advice is to be 100% open with her, tell her all your concerns and all your questions.
B:我的忠告是完全和她推心置腹,告诉她你所有的顾虑,提出所有的问题。 2.Don't bother 别管它,别在上面花精力 A: I think Mary was mad at me.
B: Don't even bother. She's like that to everybody. A:我想玛丽生我气了。 B:别担心,她对谁都那样。 3.Get back to 给……回话
A: Are you going to check on this issue? B: Yes, I'll get back to you as soon as I can. A:你会跟踪这个问题吗?
B:会的,我一有消息就给你回话。 4.Give it a shot 试着做做
A: Do you think it's going to work? B: Why don't you give it a shot? A:你认为这行吗? B:你为什么不试试呢?
5.Have you had a chance to ... 您得空儿…… A: Have you had a chance to look at the report?
B: Yes, I did. Let's talk about it. A:您得空儿看那个报告了吗? B:我看了,咱们谈谈吧。
6.In good hands 没问题,会处理得很好 A: Do you want to look at this presentation? B: No. It's in good hands. I trust you. A:你想看看这个演示材料吗?
B:不用了,你一定会处理得很好,我相信你。 7.Run out of 用光
A: We are running out of paper. B: Place another order. A:我们的纸要没了。 B:再订购一些。
8.Not a big deal. 没什么大不了的。
A: Just change the meeting time. It's not a big deal.
B: You don't know. We are reviewing with the big bosses. They don't like changing times.
B:你有所不知,我们这是和大头目们评审,他们不喜欢改时间。 9.Let me know 告诉我
A: If you get any info, please let me know. B: I will.
A:你要是得到任何信息,请告诉我。 B:我会的。
10.Think about it 想想 A: Have you got a job offer? B: Yes! I need to think about it. A:您得到聘任书了吗? B:得到了!我得想想。