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Project1 My school life
教学内容:Project1 A(2、3), B部分内容 教学目标:
2.以”My school life”为主题,让学生运用所学句型进行话题交流,提高语言运用的准确性和逻辑性。
3.培养学生的综合语言运用能力,让学生能综合运用1~2单元词句进行交流。 教学重点:
培养学生的综合语言运用能力,让学生能综合运用1~2单元词句进行交流。 教学难点:
让学生能谈论“My school life”这一话题,并能运用所学词句进行话题交流。 教学过程:
Before class: Have a free talk with some students. What’s your name? How old are you? Do you like…? Step1.warming up 1. Greetings:
Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. 2. Sing a song
T: Let’s enjoy an English song Step2. Review 1. Review the days
T: This song is about days. How many days are there in a week? S: Seven. T: What are they?
S: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday... T: Can you spell them? (Students spell the days) T: What day do you like? S: I like... 2. Review the subjects
T: My students like Monday, because they have PE on Monday. Do you have PE on Monday? S: Yes.
T: Do you like PE? S: Yes.
T: Well. I think PE is a popular subject, right? Next, let’s play a game about subjects, Ok? (Game: Word puzzle) Step3. Presentation and practice 1. Favourite subjects
(1)(接着字谜)T: English is my favourite subject. What subject do you like? I like English, so first tick here, and write I like English. Let’s up, who can? Up again, who can? (PPT呈现书上30页PartB2内容)
(2)完成书上30页PartB2内容,并同桌问答交流。 (3)分别请两组反馈,奖励红旗,解释比拼规则。 2. Other subjects
(1)T: Do you know other subjects?
Swimming Lesson, Football Lesson,Skating Lesson, Basketball Lesson (启发学生说出)
(2)Teach:Computer, ME, Class Meeting,Robotics
T: Do you have Robotics? S:No
T:What a pity! But Tom has. 介绍Tom(贴头像) This is Tom’s school, Is it nice? Is it big?
Tom has a wonderful school, and he has a wonderful school life,too. (Teach: life)Today let’s talk about the school life.(点题) 3. Tom’s school life
(1)T: Tom is glad to see you. He wants to l tell you about his school life. Let’s listen, and find out What day? What subjects? And What lessons?(贴板书)First, let’s read the questions, follow me please.(读练习纸上的题目) (2)完成选择题并校对。 (3)Work in pairs同桌问答
(4)Make a song (配合两只老虎的节奏把问答唱出来) 4. Tom’s timetable
(1)T: Thank you for your singing. Tom is very happy. He wants to show you his timetable, Look!Oops, it;s broken. What day is it? We don’t know the lessons on Thursday, what a pity! What can we do? Let’s ask Tom, Ok? What can you ask? (可以指板书提醒)Listen again! (2)T: Thank you for your help, the timetable is Ok now. Let’s have a look, Can you talk about it? (师生示范然后同桌问答,反馈时猜他们谈论的是哪一天) (3)T: Boys and girls,do you like this timetable? Can you tell me why?
Tom has a lot of wonderful lessons, they are fun! Do you want a new timetable like this? Let’s make it.(选择其中一天设计课表) (4)自制课表然后同桌间交流。 Step4. Consolidation and Production
(1)T: Today Tom shares his school life to us, can you read? Let’s read together.
(2)T:Now you know Tom’s school life very well, right? And Tom wants to know yours, can you share your school life like this? (完成填空,小组交流,上台交流,贴黑板) Step5. Summary
(1)T: Wow, how beautiful! Your school life is so fun. We play, learn and grow together. Do you like your school life? Enjoy every day, enjoy your school life. Hooray! (2)升旗比拼见分晓。