
2022-05-20 08:34:15   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《(原创精品)求救:我的表白被拒绝了!我该怎么办?(开导篇)》,欢迎阅读!
Read your readmesuch distress I have experienced. 读了你的自述,这种苦恼我也经历过。

I can enlighten to you:

Taking the first step and telling a friend that we feel much more strongly about them than they may realize is an intimidating task for anyone. While telling your friend how you really feel about her may not have resulted in the outcome you wanted, you should be proud of yourself for having built up the courage.

While it is a risk worth taking, expressing romantic feelings towards a friend can be tricky because it has the potential to make the friendship awkward if the other person doesn’t reciprocate those feelings. It sounds like this may be what’s happening in your situation. There are two ways to look at how she turned down. On one hand, she may have been quite sincere that she simply isn’t ready to settle down. If this is the case, there is still a chance that she may be interested in starting a relationship with you somewhere down the line. On the other hand, she may have been telling you this as a way of letting you down easy. Because you are her friend, she may have tried to spare your feelings by using this as an excuse.

In either case, if you are continuing to express your romantic intentions to her, she may be distancing herself or becoming indifferent because she does not know how else to deal with the situation. For either situation, the best thing you can do is give her a little space. Rather than reminding her constantly how you feel, give her some space and show her you respect her feeling about the issue. She may not be interested in a romantic relationship, but if you push too hard, you may wind up losing the friendship as well.

Once you have given her some space, give your relationship time. It is quite possible that as you rebuild your friendship that she might grow to feel the same way about you as you do about her. Even if she does not, you will still have held onto an important friendship.

Hopefully adopting this sort of attitude about her will help you focus more on your studies. It is hard to concentrate on work or school when we have unrequited feelings for someone. There is no easy solution for this. You simply have to force yourself to do the work. You may find that diving into your studies is a good way to help take you mind off of the sorrow you are feeling.

-------------------------------华丽的分割线------------------------------------------ intimidate 恐吓, 威胁

eg. The gang tried to intimidate the bank manager. 那帮歹徒企图恐吓银行经理. intimidating 威胁的;让人感到担心、不自信 tricky

(形势、工作)复杂的, 棘手的

eg. I'm in a rather tricky position; can you help me out?

我的处境很棘手, 你能帮我吗?

狡猾的, 诡计多端的

eg. He's a tricky customer. 他是个狡猾的顾客 微妙的,需慎重对待的

reciprocate报答; 酬答;回报

eg, They reciprocated hospitality. 他们互相款待

He did not reciprocate my friendship. 他没有报答我的友谊

settle down 安居 安下心来

eg. You’ll soon settle down after a few days on the job. 工作几天就会安下心

down the line = in the future 在未来 完全地, 全部地

eg. I'll support her down the line on that issue. 在那个问题上我将全力支持她 let you down easy [非正式用语]把坏消息说得婉转些;给人留面子;婉言拒绝某人 eg. I won’t break the bad news all at once, I’ll let her down easy.

我不会一下子把坏消息一股脑儿地倒出去,我会婉言告诉她。 spare sb's feeling 不使某人伤心

wind up [非正式用语]最终成为……..; ……..而告终

eg. In spite of people’s opinion, she wound up the winner.


hold onto 坚守,保留,紧紧抓住,不卖出

eg. My child holds onto my hand tightly while we cross the street.

横穿马路时, 孩子紧拉着我的手不放。

We should hold onto the house and sell it later when prices are higher. 我们应该保留这座房子,待卖得起好价钱的时候再卖掉

