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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《2017考研英语双语阅读:领导者与管理者的不同》,欢迎阅读!





My job was to make everyone understand that theimpossible was possible. Thats the differencebetween leadership and management, reads the back cover of Alex Fergusons new book,Leading .

“我的工作就是让所有人都明白,世上没有不可能之事。这是领导与管理之间的不同,”亚历克斯弗格森爵士(SirAlex Ferguson)的新书《领导力》(Leading)的封底上写道。

Its hard to think of a business idea that has had more sticking power than the distinctionbetween leadership and management. And, as with most simple but powerful notions, thedichotomy is part caricature, part resonant truth. We have come to use it as a shorthand todistinguish the noble from the slavish, the outstanding from the ordinary, the good from thebad. The manager is a copy; the leader is an original, said Warren Bennis, the businessscholar.

很难想出一种比领导与管理的区别更引人探讨的商业理念。正如多数简单但有影响力的概念一样,对二者的区分部分是夸大其词,部分蕴含着可以引起共鸣的真理。我们已经将二者的区别当作一种区分高贵与卑贱、卓越与普通、好与坏的简略方式。管理者只是副;领导者才是正本,”商业学者沃伦本尼斯(Warren Bennis)说。

Archetypes persist because they convey valuable lessons, but they are myths nonethelessand its instructive to trace this one back to its origins.


It started with sociologist Max Weber, who distinguished between forms of authority. Rational-legal authority is impersonal, based on rules and hierarchical relations that limitpersonal discretion. Charismatic authority is personal, based on exceptional individualqualities, insight or accomplishments, which inspire followers.

最早区分领导与管理的是社会学家马克斯韦伯(Max Weber),他对权威的不同形式进行了区分。“法理权威”(rational-legal authority)是非个人的,建立在限制个人自由裁量权的规则和等级关系的基础上。“魅力型权威”(charismatic authority)属于个人,基于那些能够唤起追随者的非同一般的个人能力、洞察力或成就。

In the 1970s Abraham Zaleznik, a Harvard Business School professor who was also apsychoanalyst, personalised the distinction. Leaders and managers, he argued, are differentsorts of people, driven by different anima. Leaders thrive on risk, think long term and dislikestructure; they provoke strong emotions in followers: love and hate, admiration andresentment. Managers thrive on process; they seek order, control and rapid resolution.Zaleznik worried that too many companies favoured collaboration, stifling the aggressivenessand initiative that fuel leadership.

上世纪70年代,哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)教授、精神分析学家亚伯拉

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The next generation of business scholars, who blamed the competitive decline of US industryon an insularity bred of over-management, repurposed the distinction. Among the mostinfluential, John Kotter saw management and leadership as different kinds of work, notdifferent kinds of people. Management aims to ensure efficiency through routine planning,organising and co-ordinating; leadership aims to create change by envisioning a better future,aligning those who can make it happen, or block it, and inspiring them to do it.


Most organisations, Professor Kotter argued, require a mix of both, the right dose dependingon context: the more complexity more products, geographies, units the moremanagement is needed; the more volatile the environment, the more leadership is required.He brought the concepts back in line with Weber by focusing on the levers available toexecutives rather than on their personalities.


When managing, one works within ones sphere of formal authority; when leading, oneinfluences and motivates outside and beyond, since many crucial stakeholders are external.


Unfortunately, Prof Kotters blockbuster case studies of a day in the life of two contrastingXerox managers Fred and Renn immortalised the less-nuanced notion of manager andleader as personality types with one clearly less attractive than the other.


The distinction is crude, Patrick Cescau, former Unilever chief executive and InterContinentalHotels Group chairman, told me as he prepared for a recent talk at Insead.

“这样的区分是粗陋的,”联合利华(Unilever)前首席执行官、现任洲际酒店集团(InterContinental HotelsGroup)董事长夏思可(Patrick Cescau)对我说,当时他正在为近期到欧洲工商管理学(Insead)发表的演讲做准备。

Take any five leading firms and look at their strategies, he said, they are all the same. Itsputting the strategy into action, embedding it in the fabric of the organisation and making ithappen that is hard. For that you also need managerial qualities.


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