【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《上海对外经贸大学在读证明【模板】》,欢迎阅读!

**大学 在读证明
同学(男/女),身份证(件)号: ,为**大学在读 年制 学生,学号 。该生自 年9月至今在我校 学院 专业学习,现为大学 年级学生。若取得教学计划规定学分,将于 年7月毕业。
**大学是教育部批准的具有高等学历教育招生资格的普通高等学校。 特此证明。
This is to certify that (male/female)is now studying for a degree (study term: years) of higher education in Shanghai University of International Business and Economics. His/Her Identification Card number is and the student number is . The student is enrolled with School, majoring in from September to present, and is now in his/her 1st /2nd /3rd /4th year of study. On successfully receiving all the credits required by the curriculum, the student will be allowed to graduate in July .
Shanghai University of International Business and Economics is a university of higher education approved by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China.
Shanghai University of International Business and Economics
Office of Academic Affairs
年 月 日
**大学 在读证明
(姓名),(性别),(身份证号),系我校目前全日制在读学生,学制至 年 月。
30日内有效) **大学年 月 日