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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《杜波依》,欢迎阅读!



威廉·爱得华·伯格哈特·杜波依斯William Edward Burghardt Du Bois1868-196320世纪上半叶最有影响的黑人知识分子。1868年出生于马萨诸塞州的大巴灵顿,毕业于菲斯克大学,获哈佛大学哲学博士学位,他也是第一个获得哈佛大学博士学位的非裔美国人。1903年诞生了其最著名的著作《黑人的灵魂》The Souls of Black Folk,在本书中杜波伊斯准确地预言道:“二十世纪的问题是种族歧视下的肤色界线问题。1909年全国有色人种协会创建,他是创建者之一,后来由于发现社会科学不足以反抗歧视黑人的法律为了影响公众舆论而转向政治活动。杜波伊斯从1910年至1934年一直担任全国有色人种协会会刊《危机》的主编。 插图:


and he started the 20th century already 32 years old. I think it can decided without question that he is the most influential American intellectual of the century. Imagine a book with a 1903 souls of a black folk, outsales any of the books I`ve written today. So this I think indicates that people are still concerned about Du Bois` attitudes, and the way in which he conceptualizes the issues of race in Amerce. One of the things that I think we could also say is that all subsequent scholarship about African Americans, all the stuff that we do, all the stuff is done in CSRA and the African Americans studies programmer , can in some way to be seen as a footnote to what Du Bois has already said . And if you want to know what CSRA does, look at the first page of Souls of black folk, which outlines the whole agenda for the programmer. If you want to look at what we do in terms of African Americans sociology, look at the Philadelphia Negro written more than 100 years ago. If want to see an engaged intellectual , somebody who makes a contribution in terms of this scholarship , that also makes a major contribution in terms of public discussion of issues , a public intellectual as Cornell West would say . Well Cornell West learned all these lessons at the foot of Du Bois. He is without question the predominate intellectual, that I think he is also a predominated political thinker of the 20th century. 注释:

outsales n. 勾勒

conceptualizes v. 使有概念 subsequent a. 随后的 footnote n. 补充说明 agenda n. 议程

engaged a. 孜孜不倦的

intellectual n. 学者 contribution n. 贡献 参考译文:

二十世纪到来时他已经32岁了。我认为毫无疑问他是二十世纪美国最有影响力的学者。大家想想,一本1903年写的黑人的灵魂比我今天写的书都卖得好。因此,我认为这表明人们还在关注杜波依斯的态度,以及他将美国的种族问题高概念化的方法。我认为我们还可以看出一切关于美国黑人的知识,我们做的每一件事,我们在CSRA中做的每件事,还有美国黑人研究项目,在某种程度上说都是杜波依斯所说过的话的进一步发展。如果你想知道CSRA在做什么,看看黑人的灵魂的第一页,它勾勒了整个项目的蓝图。如果你想知道我们在美国黑人社会学方面做了哪些工作看看100多年前写的费城黑人。如果你想见一个孜孜不倦的学者,一个为知识做出了杰出贡献的人,一个为公开讨论黑人问题做出贡献的人,Cornell West所说,事实上Cornell West的所学都是作为杜波依斯的门徒。毫无疑问他是重要的学者,我认为他也是二十世纪最重要的思想者。 练习:

1. I think it can decided without _______(疑问) that he is the most _______(影响力)American intellectual of the century.

2. If you want to know what CSRA does , look at the first page of Souls of black folk , that _______(勾勒)the whole agenda for the programmer.

3. Well Cornell West learned all these lessons at the _______(门徒)of Du Bois. 参考答案:

1. question , intellectual 2. outlines 3. Foot

